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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Goldeneye N64

I got to play this a bunch of times in my neighbor's house, and I gotta say that it was very instrumental in getting me into gaming. It was phenomenal.

But i can't seem to define why it was so good.. so what do you guys think, what made Goldeneye N64 such a fabulous game?

And more importantly, how come no other 007 games can seem to replicate the magic?

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Halo did...and did it better too.  bond just sucks

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er... i don't think halo was part of my question...

I have no idea....Freaking goldeneye was BADASS!!!!! i loved that game. Im waiting for the game to come out in the VC >.
I hope the game comes out, it would be a excellent addition to my collection

MrBubbles said:

Halo did...and did it better too. bond just sucks

lol, Goldeneye >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Halo


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Golden Eye was the premier CONSOLE FPS. Oh sure I preferred Turok, but Turok didn't have multiplayer. Until that point, Console FPS's were just attempts to mimick PC FPS games. Remember Hexen 64? Crap that game was almost unplayable. But Goldeney gave the console it's own FPS identity. Oh sure, Console FPSs only lasted a very short time before Halo brought back the trend of making console shooters as close to PC shooters as possible (the differnece being that this time, it actually did it fairly well), but for that brief time, a Console FPS was it's own fabulous experience.

As for the other bond games not recapturing the magic. That's because Goldeneye was a great GAME. The license was irrelevant.

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Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

What does Halo have to do with anything? I would assume the controller used for the game could be one reason. The visuals for the game at that time were nice as well. Oh and the difficulty was challenging as well.

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This game was amazing when it came out. I think it was:

Emphasis on being stealthy, instead of running around with guns blazing.
Rewards for speed runs through levels.
Awesome MP
Attention to Detail, I remember being amazed that shooting people in the arm did something different than in the leg, I don't remember anything like that on a console before GE.

What a great game that was, I haven't played it in forever though, not sure if it would live up to the nostalgia though.

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Feylic said:
MrBubbles said:

Halo did...and did it better too. bond just sucks

lol, Goldeneye >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Halo



Agree 101% percent. The only thing Halo had over Goldeneye was the online....and actually not a big deal, i prefer local multiplayer than online multiplayer

MrBubbles said:

Halo did...and did it better too.  bond just sucks


You obviously haven't played Golden Eye.