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Forums - General Discussion - My Chewed bubble gum collection


duh!! i think i'll start my own gum collection and compete

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nice, give me your address and i will send you gum through the mail.....

Currently Playing: Mass Effect (360)

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed" - Gandhi

123232 Rambi Drive

Why can't you just throw it in the garbage like a normal person?

SSBB: 1977-0005-2980 (JOEY) MKWii: 4382-2877-5902 (Joeykanga)
Wii:4027-0084-9432-1532             PM me if you add me.
Tag courtesy of fkusumot: Joeykanga - "Just post something once, don't ruin the thread"
WessleWoggle said:
Do you ever rub your penis on the gum for sick pleasure?


 Dude, don't do stuff like this. This is a warning.