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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN reviews Chrono Trigger DS - 8.8

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There’s a reoccurring theme in Chrono Trigger DS, and it’s an important one for a game this historical. The game is virtually unchanged in its core, having a new script re-write, but retaining the visuals, music, character designs, interface styles, and options of the source material. At the same time, Square Enix also ensures that this is the definitive version of Chrono Trigger out there, as the game comes complete with every option you could ever want for touch vs. button control, two or single screen display, or game pacing and difficulty. Where things should have been left the same, they were. Where fixes or additions could be made, they have. Yes it’s a $40 game for a title many of us have played until our thumbs were sore, and it’s unchanged in a lot of ways from what you played back in 1995 or in 2001, but it’s also just as captivating, imaginative, or well made now as it was then. I could write volumes on this game, but it isn’t needed. If you’ve never played Chrono Trigger before, buy this game. If you’re a die-hard fan and want to support one of the greatest games of all time, buy this game. If you’re having trouble validating a $40 purchase for what is ultimately the same game, it’s the wrong choice for you, and your cash is better spent elsewhere. Any way you slice it though, Chrono Trigger is one of the greatest RPGs of all time, and it’s a game everyone – whether on DS, PSX, Super NES, or in the future – should play.

IGN Ratings for Chrono Trigger DS (DS)
Rating Description
out of 10
8.5 Presentation
Virtually unchanged from its original Super NES design, but still very easy to navigate, tweak for touch or button controls, and make your own. There are a lot of options for this Super NES design.
8.5 Graphics
Beautiful 2D work may feel dated to some more recent gamers, but it still holds up extremely well on DS, and the added animated sequences from FF Chronicles is a nice touch. Unchanged, but impressive.
9.5 Sound
Simply some of the best music you’ll find. More could have been added to the package, but it’s still an incredible offering.
9.0 Gameplay
The hybrid turn-based/semi-random design is pretty classical in flow and feel, but it also holds up very well if you dig this type of game. There’s an incredible sense of a “do anything” world.
8.5 Lasting Appeal
One of the best RPGs of all time, but most players have played it already. Multiplayer is interesting, but not needed, and the added quests flesh out the experience a bit. A port, but impressive.
(out of 10 / not an average)



Basically they say that the game is one of the best RPGs of all time, but that the port doesn't bring anything new. So I guess it's worth it for those who never played it, not so much for those who did. I was thinking it would get higher, nut I get they're tired of ports.


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im going to wait when the price is down like 34$ or 30$.

or... i can get it for free somehow.

Want to get either this or SO:FD. Maybe I should get both or buy the former, rent the latter.

Yea this game came out 15 years ago online and touch controls dont make me wanna buy it on top of that it cost more than a regular DS game.

No thanks.

Edit - Bozon praises those graphics too damn much. Luminou Arc 2 graphics are better and he gave them a 7.5. They were great ONCE not anymore.

I expected it to get a higher score...

But still as one of my must buys, I've never played Chrono Trigger before.

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I liked the Another Take comments:

"Another Take
from Eduardo Vasconcellos
I’ve never played Chrono Trigger. Growing up as a Genesis kid, the Squaresoft (now Square Enix) epic was something I knew only by reputation. It’s widely regarded as one of the best RPGs from the 16 bit era, if not to date. Though it’s taken me well over a decade to get my hands on it, I see that the praise it sees is more than well deserved. After spending some time with the game, going through the different eras and being introduced to some truly memorable characters, I see that Chrono Trigger is absolutely stellar.

The game does so many different things that it’s tough to naysay, especially considering its competition when it was originally released. The story is rather engrossing and comes with a charm you’d be hard pressed to find elsewhere, making Crono’s adventures in saving the world that much more exciting. The theme of causality and travelling through time to change the course of history, making sure certain destruction doesn’t come to pass is such a refreshing change of pace as it’s something that’s truly epic. The game shows you exactly what happens if you don’t succeed in your quest, adding a level of weight that you don’t find elsewhere too often.

The battle system is really one of the best elements of the game as it doesn’t follow the traditional turn based combat. The visuals are slightly tweaked – rather than having your team on one side of the screen, they’re scattered through the battlefield as are your enemies, and though it seems like a mere aesthetic decision, it really adds to the change that this game brought about. The actual battle mechanics are some of the best I’ve seen as you’ll constantly be faced with a cost/benefit decision that comes with the combo attacks, which require you figure out how best to use your limited supplies of energy allotted to your attacks.

The only downside to the game is that the port over to the DS really doesn’t bring anything new to the table. It uses some dated visuals which really stand out, and not in a positive way. Though it comes with a very basic Monster Rancher-esque multiplayer mode, I was hoping for more, especially considering the $40 cost of entry. However, it’s still an amazing experience, well worth your time and money. As many fans have told me over the years, Chrono Trigger is something that everyone should play and after getting my hands on it, I have to agree. It’s truly an exemplary title that deserves every bit of acclaim it gets. In short, it’s the real deal. "

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Great Score, I'll be buying it.

Did they re-write the script to tweak the English a little?

I'm buying it in spite of the Squeenix tax.

No, I don't care if IGN doesn't think it brought anything new to the table. The game is something like 15 years old. It needs to be brought out and experienced by a new generation.

"Lasting Appeal
One of the best RPGs of all time, but most players have played it already. Multiplayer is interesting, but not needed, and the added quests flesh out the experience a bit."

can't get more stupid than this... well, it can, there are worse reviews in IGN DS, but I'm already tired of complaining there :P


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