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Forums - General Discussion - I want to have a discussion with people who believe 9/11 was a conspiracy

Batman...WTF? said:
superchunk said:
The only part that I really question is the Pentagon. A 747 just would've made a bigger mess.

The plane blew up when it hit. The parts were scattered everywhere, meaning there was no real plane found, but I believe people were photographed next to the tail wing, if I remember correctly. If you're confused about why the Pentagon wasn't a bigger mess, it was the way it was built. It's all concrete and steel, low to the ground. So while the Twin Towers were built out of the same stuff, it was all on top of each other, and when the steel lost half of it's strength (since it does at the temperature plane fuel burns) the weight above became too much, making it collapse. The reason it looked like a bomb was because that's what happens when over a ton of concrete falls onto the floor. Rubble shoots out.

*Superchunk* I was merely addressing more rumors around the 9/11 attacks as well as answering your question.

You may be entirely right. However, the one part of those videos that made perfect sense is the physical damage on the building vs the size of a 747 and the complete lack of nearly any debris from a plane except one engine. That with the fact that the government seized all video footage of the 'crash' from all nearby locations and the only one to be show does not, in fact, show a plane clearly at all. It just is too vague for me to believe outright.


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You guys should watch that documentary Loose Change on youtube....

yeah, you can't really have a discussion with the type of person that could actually believe that 9/11 was actually a conspiracy. It's like trying to have a discussion with people who don't believe we landed on the moon.

you think religious extremists are bad? oh, they have NOTHING on these people.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

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My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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I just saw an article about the top 30 conspiracies. Very interesting read. Here is the link:

superchunk said:
Batman...WTF? said:
superchunk said:
The only part that I really question is the Pentagon. A 747 just would've made a bigger mess.

The plane blew up when it hit. The parts were scattered everywhere, meaning there was no real plane found, but I believe people were photographed next to the tail wing, if I remember correctly. If you're confused about why the Pentagon wasn't a bigger mess, it was the way it was built. It's all concrete and steel, low to the ground. So while the Twin Towers were built out of the same stuff, it was all on top of each other, and when the steel lost half of it's strength (since it does at the temperature plane fuel burns) the weight above became too much, making it collapse. The reason it looked like a bomb was because that's what happens when over a ton of concrete falls onto the floor. Rubble shoots out.

*Superchunk* I was merely addressing more rumors around the 9/11 attacks as well as answering your question.

You may be entirely right. However, the one part of those videos that made perfect sense is the physical damage on the building vs the size of a 747 and the complete lack of nearly any debris from a plane except one engine. That with the fact that the government seized all video footage of the 'crash' from all nearby locations and the only one to be show does not, in fact, show a plane clearly at all. It just is too vague for me to believe outright.


so you believe the attack on the trade centers was real...but the government coincidentally faked a plane flying into the pentagon on the same day?


"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

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Around the Network
JaggedSac said:
I just saw an article about the top 30 conspiracies. Very interesting read. Here is the link:

30. Stupid

29. Duh. Maybe not solely CREATED for that purpose, but the theory sure as hell has been supported for that purpose

28. I see it as unlikely, but entirely possible. I don't think we had seen a sexually transmitted virus that actually attacked the immune system in that manner before that.

26. they're cheap to mass produce and they stack easily. no cause for alarm

24. Filter your water then. I do that anyway

22. LOL

21. Possible, but to what purpose? If they had warned them, it wouldn't have stopped the attack, so there still would have been a reason to declare war or whatever. they could have warned everyone to take cover, let the attack happen and ended up with the same results with no sacrifices, so why not inform them if they had known?

20. this is retarded. The oil industry does have huge untapped oil reserves, but it's the EPA and other environmentalist groups that are blocking access

15. I really hate shit like this. This ammounts to me pointing to an apple and going "see? a grenade!!! see, teh pin's right here!" and point to the leaf.

14. I'd almost believe this, except people also believe that the beatles' songs actually mean something. I mean, other than a drug trip.

12. i suppose it might be possible, but what difference does it make at this point in time? Does it make the plays better or worse if it was or wasn't written by shakespear? So the name changes to bacon, oh no.

11. Not so much a conspiracy as just a plain stupid idea.

8. Real or Faked, getting out while he still could was the best thing that happened to him at that point.

6. Good god this is stupid

4. I just want to individually punch every person who believes this.

3. Honestly, I think this one is just kinda fun to believe, even if you don't really believe it.

2. There was some weird stuff going on with the JFK thing, and i have to admit that the Lincoln-Kennedy connections are always kinda fun, though some get rather contrived.

1. This one comes close to the #4 conspiracy in the "provoke me to punch you" scale, but I still have to say it only makes 2nd place.

The others just weren't worth mentioning, or I don't know enough about period to come to any conclusions.

All in all a good read though, thanks.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


MrBubbles said:
superchunk said:
Batman...WTF? said:
superchunk said:
The only part that I really question is the Pentagon. A 747 just would've made a bigger mess.

The plane blew up when it hit. The parts were scattered everywhere, meaning there was no real plane found, but I believe people were photographed next to the tail wing, if I remember correctly. If you're confused about why the Pentagon wasn't a bigger mess, it was the way it was built. It's all concrete and steel, low to the ground. So while the Twin Towers were built out of the same stuff, it was all on top of each other, and when the steel lost half of it's strength (since it does at the temperature plane fuel burns) the weight above became too much, making it collapse. The reason it looked like a bomb was because that's what happens when over a ton of concrete falls onto the floor. Rubble shoots out.

*Superchunk* I was merely addressing more rumors around the 9/11 attacks as well as answering your question.

You may be entirely right. However, the one part of those videos that made perfect sense is the physical damage on the building vs the size of a 747 and the complete lack of nearly any debris from a plane except one engine. That with the fact that the government seized all video footage of the 'crash' from all nearby locations and the only one to be show does not, in fact, show a plane clearly at all. It just is too vague for me to believe outright.


so you believe the attack on the trade centers was real...but the government coincidentally faked a plane flying into the pentagon on the same day?


Is it possible, sure. But, that would require the gov't to know that something was going so they could take advantage of it by shooting a missile at the Pentagon.

Is it probable, no. All I'm saying is if this were a court of law, I would have reasonable doubt in regards to the Pentagon.


superchunk said:
MrBubbles said:
superchunk said:
Batman...WTF? said:
superchunk said:
The only part that I really question is the Pentagon. A 747 just would've made a bigger mess.

The plane blew up when it hit. The parts were scattered everywhere, meaning there was no real plane found, but I believe people were photographed next to the tail wing, if I remember correctly. If you're confused about why the Pentagon wasn't a bigger mess, it was the way it was built. It's all concrete and steel, low to the ground. So while the Twin Towers were built out of the same stuff, it was all on top of each other, and when the steel lost half of it's strength (since it does at the temperature plane fuel burns) the weight above became too much, making it collapse. The reason it looked like a bomb was because that's what happens when over a ton of concrete falls onto the floor. Rubble shoots out.

*Superchunk* I was merely addressing more rumors around the 9/11 attacks as well as answering your question.

You may be entirely right. However, the one part of those videos that made perfect sense is the physical damage on the building vs the size of a 747 and the complete lack of nearly any debris from a plane except one engine. That with the fact that the government seized all video footage of the 'crash' from all nearby locations and the only one to be show does not, in fact, show a plane clearly at all. It just is too vague for me to believe outright.


so you believe the attack on the trade centers was real...but the government coincidentally faked a plane flying into the pentagon on the same day?


Is it possible, sure. But, that would require the gov't to know that something was going so they could take advantage of it by shooting a missile at the Pentagon.

Is it probable, no. All I'm saying is if this were a court of law, I would have reasonable doubt in regards to the Pentagon.


Why would they do that though? Attack the head building of the American Army? It makes no since.


Wait, so the same government that runs our Social Security offices conspired to blow up three buildings, kill thousands, and then successfully cover it up and silence the thousands of people it required to pull off this feat?



I guess they can pull off magic tricks but they can't seem to magically make a line shorter than 5,000 people in your average local administrative office.

Or check out my new webcomic:

JaggedSac said:
I just saw an article about the top 30 conspiracies. Very interesting read. Here is the link:

You  were right, it was interesting.


I like mysteries also, like stonehenge, easter island, and crop circles.

These things just interest me.


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