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Forums - General Discussion - I want to have a discussion with people who believe 9/11 was a conspiracy

The only part that I really question is the Pentagon. A 747 just would've made a bigger mess.

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llewdebkram said:
Batman...WTF? said:
First of all, I'm not watching TWO HOURS OF FILM. I have a simple reason why I'm not watching it. The government, supposedly, knew 9/11 was going to happen. According to that video, they demolished both World Trade Centers. Then covered it all up. This meant, either lethally or using money, silenced all of the people who got TWO SKYSCRAPERS to demolish. So why didn't they silence the people behind that movie? I mean, they just revealed the Government to be lying murderers. So why aren't the people behind Zeitgeist dead yet. Or the movie pulled from the internet? Because they weren't behind it. Or they just managed to get away with the largest crime in American history, but were to stupid to silent some people with a camera and some quotes.


It's a great movie, far far more interesting than any hollywood fantasy film.

They say the idea is to keep the public as stupid as possible so they do not question what governments around the world are trying to do and watching Zeitgeist may just be the anti stupid antidote some people need.


Or the more likely scenario is that the move is counter-information deliberately put out to keep people ignorant. 

This is the problem with this line of thinking, as soon as you get paranoid that people are trying to manipulate you through information control you have to start wondering if the very people who are trying "free" you of that control aren't actually a part of it...and then you wonder whether or not they would even know they were a part of it if they were.

Conspiracies suck for a reason folks.  Don't drink the kool-aid from the red glass or the blue glass.

To Each Man, Responsibility
superchunk said:
The only part that I really question is the Pentagon. A 747 just would've made a bigger mess.

The plane blew up when it hit. The parts were scattered everywhere, meaning there was no real plane found, but I believe people were photographed next to the tail wing, if I remember correctly. If you're confused about why the Pentagon wasn't a bigger mess, it was the way it was built. It's all concrete and steel, low to the ground. So while the Twin Towers were built out of the same stuff, it was all on top of each other, and when the steel lost half of it's strength (since it does at the temperature plane fuel burns) the weight above became too much, making it collapse. The reason it looked like a bomb was because that's what happens when over a ton of concrete falls onto the floor. Rubble shoots out.

*Superchunk* I was merely addressing more rumors around the 9/11 attacks as well as answering your question.

Sqrl said:
llewdebkram said:
Batman...WTF? said:
First of all, I'm not watching TWO HOURS OF FILM. I have a simple reason why I'm not watching it. The government, supposedly, knew 9/11 was going to happen. According to that video, they demolished both World Trade Centers. Then covered it all up. This meant, either lethally or using money, silenced all of the people who got TWO SKYSCRAPERS to demolish. So why didn't they silence the people behind that movie? I mean, they just revealed the Government to be lying murderers. So why aren't the people behind Zeitgeist dead yet. Or the movie pulled from the internet? Because they weren't behind it. Or they just managed to get away with the largest crime in American history, but were to stupid to silent some people with a camera and some quotes.


It's a great movie, far far more interesting than any hollywood fantasy film.

They say the idea is to keep the public as stupid as possible so they do not question what governments around the world are trying to do and watching Zeitgeist may just be the anti stupid antidote some people need.


Or the more likely scenario is that the move is counter-information deliberately put out to keep people ignorant. 

This is the problem with this line of thinking, as soon as you get paranoid that people are trying to manipulate you through information control you have to start wondering if the very people who are trying "free" you of that control aren't actually a part of it...and then you wonder whether or not they would even know they were a part of it if they were.

Conspiracies suck for a reason folks.  Don't drink the kool-aid from the red glass or the blue glass.


For that very reason they are saying don't listen to the governments or even what we are saying in this movie, but open your mind and seek out the information yourself rather than just accepting what is presented to you as fact.

As in go buy us some coffee.

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See my sig. I'm all for having an open mind, but you've got to have a discerning mind too. The open mind allows you to watch movies like Zeitgeist and Loose Change, the discerning mind allows you to see just how awful they are. They twist information, leave out important facts and just plain make stuff up.

If you want to believe it was a conspiracy and be taken seriously, you've got to start by admitting those films are bogus, otherwise, why should we take you seriously?

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

stof said:
See my sig. I'm all for having an open mind, but you've got to have a discerning mind too. The open mind allows you to watch movies like Zeitgeist and Loose Change, the discerning mind allows you to see just how awful they are. They twist information, leave out important facts and just plain make stuff up.

If you want to believe it was a conspiracy and be taken seriously, you've got to start by admitting those films are bogus, otherwise, why should we take you seriously?

The Mossad procuced those movies to further discredit those who seek the truth. I admit, the Mossad is astute in its actions. That they can perpetrate the most devastating terrorist attack in recent histroy and not be suspected is...astounding.


@ Jackson - here's the problem with the internet. It's hard to detect sarcasm. I think what your saying is really funny, but you might be serious... I just can't tell.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

It was the CIA, thought everyone knew that by now.

Above everything else. I think the fact that anyone could plainly see that those buildings fell vertically, asserts that the official story is complete BS. It boggles my mind when people sit their and defend the government's story and just not use their eyes, ears, and brain.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself