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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Don't want to play

This thread is great. It will have a splendid mix of sarcasm as well as many serious, illogical reasons.

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Oyvoyvoyv said:

Shouldn't this have been in the gaming forum rather than the Nintendo forum? I mean, most regular people on the Nintendo forum would own a Wii, whereas a small minority would on the Gaming forums.

I Put 1 for each console in respective forum. Wii dont want to play, Who's not going to Jump in, and Who's Never going to play B3yond

blazinhead89 said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:

Shouldn't this have been in the gaming forum rather than the Nintendo forum? I mean, most regular people on the Nintendo forum would own a Wii, whereas a small minority would on the Gaming forums.


I Put 1 for each console in respective forum. Wii dont want to play, Who's not going to Jump in, and Who's Never going to play B3yond

Ahh, makes a bit more sense then. I never visit the Sony/Microsoft forums, so I couldn't know. Well, I have 2 posts in the Sony forum... :P

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

The Wii will be the first Nintendo console I do no purchase. It's too soft and I already have a GF.

Oyvoyvoyv said:
blazinhead89 said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:

Shouldn't this have been in the gaming forum rather than the Nintendo forum? I mean, most regular people on the Nintendo forum would own a Wii, whereas a small minority would on the Gaming forums.


I Put 1 for each console in respective forum. Wii dont want to play, Who's not going to Jump in, and Who's Never going to play B3yond

Ahh, makes a bit more sense then. I never visit the Sony/Microsoft forums, so I couldn't know. Well, I have 2 posts in the Sony forum... :P


I Seen you post in others Sony boards more than once :P

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Not me, Wii doesnt have nearly enough hardcore games for me. I love shooters, and the Wii has almost none of these that are any good. The online is terrible from what i've heard, and you have a number for a username. The Conduit is the only thing that looks half decent IMO besides Mario and SSBB, games which look good, but im not interested in. Beside I all ready got my hands full with the PS3 and 360.

I'm never going to by a Wii again! At least not more than one more, then I'm done!

This thread has convinced me to sell my Wii. It has shown me that the Wii is littered with all casual crap and that I need the other systems for shooters.

I won't get the Wii..because it sounds Kiddy..I'll stick to my XboX 360..
and the game Halo...pure manly name for a game

or Ratchet and Clank on my PS3..I mean..totally mature
ofcoure's HUGE it..almost..didn't..sell 1mil..nvm

why would I play The Conduit? I know it has aliens..and space marines..but who cares?

I want games to be challenging..even the controls..what's the fun in being able to control your character fully anyway?

It is so amusing when nintendo fans say things like that. Are you really so insecure about your console of choice that you have to insult the owners of other consoles? :)

Really, why do you get so defensive if someone does not like your console? Or offensive, in some cases...