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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Who's Never going to Jump in?

Onyxmeth said:
Cougarman said:
Onyxmeth said:
Cougarman said:
i might buy xbox360 before the end of the year, i could change my mind to PS3 though, i just want a console to play RE5 with, both HD consoles have good exclusives so it is really hard to make the choice.

Please get a PS3. The last thing my Microsoft congregation needs is a grey alien joining our ranks and polluting us with your filthy alien potty mouth.



thank you i shall buy xbox360 just to make you happy :)


and what the hell is that weird angry smiley face thingy anyway? is that suppost to be some kind of alien from a planet inhabited by angry bouncing balls? who is the alien now?

His name is Mad Face and I believe he's an angry moon. He's the leader of the Mad Face Invasion.



mad face sounds so cool, then i think i will buy a PS3 i don't think the xbox360 can handle a mad face leader and a filthy alien potty mouth at the same time

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I pretty much had one on my christmas wishlist until I got confirmed that ToV lacked Japanese voices, IU did too (and had a horrible dub), TLR doesn't have them either (with speculations that the PS3 version might).

JRPGs are all I want it for and I know I'd regret the buy if ToV and OS4 actrually do come out on the PS3, and especially with Japanese track. Worst case scenario though, the PS3 games are regionfree.

Never say never though, I guess. If MS keeps courting the Japanese for more JRPGs and the PS3 doesn't pick up there, I'm going to get an xbox360 eventually. An Asian or a Japanese one though.

I probably won't.. not much games to make me buy it (like 5, of which 2 could get ported), plus, no proper live in my country.

I'm on the fence, whether to just build a new box or get a 360.

bardicverse said:
I'm on the fence, whether to just build a new box or get a 360.

I'm pretty sure a 360'll run you a LOT less than a NEW box.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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I'm on the fence between keeping my money (which I don't have) or blowing it on a system and games (which I don't want).

Pristine20 said:
bardicverse said:
I'm on the fence, whether to just build a new box or get a 360.

I'm pretty sure a 360'll run you a LOT less than a NEW box.


It might be less, but Im not so sure by a lot. I can get a Quad Core processor for 160, 4 gb ram for about $120, a case for 80. Already have a wirelss N card and 2 HDs at 120 GB each, and a geforce 7600 256 mb ram. either with a 360 or a new box, I'd still have to get a proper HDMI based monitor, another $180. Why do I always want to buy stuff for ME when its the time of year to buy stuff for OTHER people? =) I can score a 360 for $270 from my local grocery store, go figure. I just have to see what version it is. I imagine its the $300 unit, with a shopper's membercard discount.  Rarr. I hate decisions like these =)


The Ghost of RubangB said:
I'm on the fence between keeping my money (which I don't have) or blowing it on a system and games (which I don't want).

LOL Wut? xD

blazinhead89 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
I'm on the fence between keeping my money (which I don't have) or blowing it on a system and games (which I don't want).

LOL Wut? xD

Sorry.  Just being a dick.  Really uncalled for.  Carry on everybody.

I'm happy with my Wii and my PS3