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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 Trophies to be mandatory from January 2009

Cool. That´s when I will probably get a PS3.

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papflesje said:
@ twesterm: which would be weird, since there was an article where a developer said it only took a couple of hours to implement trophies / achievements...

Which developer was this? A few hours just seems very unlikely. I would think it woud take a day or two just to jot down what trophies they will implement, and maybe a few days to a week to code it and test it.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

papflesje said:
@ twesterm: which would be weird, since there was an article where a developer said it only took a couple of hours to implement trophies / achievements...


Oh I know for a fact they're easy to implement but it still takes time (longer than a few hours if you aren't already ready for them).  That time has to be put in the schedule and something either has to be sacrificed or extended.

And if it's actually an exclusive title than it would be *much* longer than a few hours.  You have to actually figure out what the trophies are, make the system, and then implement them.

twesterm said:
papflesje said:
@ twesterm: which would be weird, since there was an article where a developer said it only took a couple of hours to implement trophies / achievements...


Oh I know for a fact they're easy to implement but it still takes time (longer than a few hours if you aren't already ready for them).  That time has to be put in the schedule and something either has to be sacrificed or extended.

And if it's actually an exclusive title than it would be *much* longer than a few hours.  You have to actually figure out what the trophies are, make the system, and then implement them.

i'd guess that is why they are implimenting it in january...didn't want any titles to miss the holiday because of this.  the difference between april 1 and april 7th isn't nearly as big as december 1 and december 7.

@ oxy: can't recall the developer, sorry :-/ Was an article here on VGC though.

@ twesterm: Well, seeing some achievements and some trophies, I don't think that many developers put TOO much thought in it (I'd even let the testers come up with possible trophies), and coding it doesn't really seem THAT hard (unless the trophies / achievements have an immediate effect on the game and its gameplay). Some "if then" clauses are not that hard to write imho.

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papflesje said:
@ oxy: can't recall the developer, sorry :-/ Was an article here on VGC though.

@ twesterm: Well, seeing some achievements and some trophies, I don't think that many developers put TOO much thought in it (I'd even let the testers come up with possible trophies), and coding it doesn't really seem THAT hard (unless the trophies / achievements have an immediate effect on the game and its gameplay). Some "if then" clauses are not that hard to write imho.


You can of course half ass the trophies but where's the fun in that?  And actually making all the achievements and trophies takes a good deal of time if you actually put some thought into them.  Also, testers make a great resource for thinking of achievements because they play the game so damn much.

As for time, making the system isn't hard.  But you have to make sure they work with saves and everything on the backend, then you have to implement all the tracking (kill x enemies, find y items, ect), the designers have to place all those collectibles, the designers have to implement everything that isn't covered in the background into the level. 

It all takes a lot of time.  If the game already has achievements it isn't bad but if it doesn't it's a pretty significant undertaking.

so what recent or upcoming games have/will lacked trophies?

dgm6780 said:

so what recent or upcoming games have/will lacked trophies?


Fallout 3 and Saint's Row 2 both didn't have trophy support but had achievements.  I know Dead Space had trophies and that's why I got it on the PS3 and then getting the other two on 360.


When Sony announced trophies, they said that they would be mandatory at some point, and that they've left it to get the current projects out. Games being released in January and beyond would have been in development with the trophy system out long enough for things to be designed.

Most exclusive games would include trophies anyway, infact, I can't think of one that doesn't, or that won't (excluding PSN stuff).

Great new, at first i didnt care at all about trophies but know i more interested.