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Forums - General Discussion - what do u think

people call me lanky but i do not think i am

i'm 6ft 4in and i weigh 10 stone 3

do u the smart people of vg chartz think i'm lanky

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I'm 6'1" and weigh 11 stone, so I am not that different. but youre 16, so your still a kid and people in your age group tend to pick on physical appearance. Just ignore them.

highwaystar101 said:
I'm 6'1" and weigh 11 stone, so I am not that different. but youre 16, so your still a kid and people in your age group tend to pick on physical appearance. Just ignore them.

thanks for the advice


^ When you grow up it will be a god send, trust me. Tall people are much more powerful, I know it sounds funny, but it's true.

thats good news so i'm going to be powerful yes u hear that bully's i'll be coming for u in a few years u better watch ur back

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Um...what's a stone?

i measurement in the UK i'll look up how much it is to what u use

one stone is about 6 kilo

Ah. But yeah, as highway said, your height will probably be a positive when you get older.

dogs u weigh more like 14 stone cuz u r a lard bucket