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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I'm puzzled by the "This is the best game ever" and 10/10 flood of late.

You're (OP) not understanding how a review system works.

A 10/10 (or 5/5, 100/100, etc) does not denote absolute perfection, or the absence of flaws. It merely judges the game on basis of its peers and predecessors.

In other words, the question a reviewer asks when contemplating a perfect score is not, "Can this game possibly, in any way, get better?", but, "Is this game the best experience available out there now, and will it influence future games?".

That being said, 10/10's (And scores near that benchmark) are thrown around far too much in the gaming press. Movies, TV shows, and even music will rarely get accumulative scores near 10, much less 10 itself.

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bugrimmar said:
a ten denotes that there is no room for improvement. get that through your thick head. is there such a score as 10.1? no.

Ok, GTA4 already has a 10. so if GTA5 turns out to be absolutely amazing and a revelation in gaming, then it can only EQUAL GTA4, even if it's much better.

Again, slapping a 10 on something eliminates room for improvement. understand that simple idea.



What you are saying is that reviewers should star giving a lot more 5 or 6... I'm saying this because if today is a five it gives you room for better titles in the future... FFI score: 5 FFII score: 5.1... and you do the math maybe by FF IL score will be 9.9 and then the game is doomed.

HAHAHAHA I love this guy.


If you write a paper for a class and get a 100% that doesn't mean it was the best paper ever written or that it's even the best paper in the class. It means the paper met all the criteria the grader was looking for to a certain extent.

This applies to games as well. A 10/10 doesn't mean it's a perfect game, just that it met all criteria to a high enough degree to warrant a 10. Think of a 10 as a bar a game needs to pass rather than the ceiling.

again, if it's not really a 10/10 (not perfect) then it shouldn't be graded a 10. saying it's a 10 is just a way of overhyping.


bugrimmar said:
again, if it's not really a 10/10 (not perfect) then it shouldn't be graded a 10. saying it's a 10 is just a way of overhyping.



Read the above posts. A 10/10 does not mean a game is perfect. It should not. It never has. It never will.

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It's almost like I don't have to read the whole thread. The posts on this page are EXACTLY the same posts on the first page (not literally of course).

10 doesn't mean it's 100% perfect. Are tens thrown out a bit too much? Perhaps, but there's no point in having of a rating system if NOTHING will ever get that rating. Games are usually reviewed based off of their quality and experience and compared to other games. A game's hype can be overblown, but that doesn't mean you should think a 10/10 means an absolutly perfect game.

so if 9.9 is the highest score you want any game given the scale is from 0 - 9.9 which makes 9.9 the new 10.....this is possibly the most pointless thread outside off topic.

10/10 doesn't mean perfect, where did you get this Idea from? Maybe people shouldn't get A's or 100% marks in exams either?

For 'ME' Portal is a perfect game, but even that begs question - what really do you mean by perfect? Does everyone have the same veiw on perfection?

Playing : PC  AOE, DiRT 2, Runes of Magic, Wings of Prey & Planetside 2  

Wii U : Nintendoland, Super Mario U  & Fifa 2013 demo

DS : Guitar Hero : On Tour

Formerly unknown as Vengi

I agree with almost everything you said, but:

MGS4 IS the best game ever. It is a 10/10 and I will argue this to death. Ff7 was my number one game for a decade before this one matched it (in my oppinion) Long cutscenes are something that you personally don't enjoy. This does not mean that the cutscenes take anything away from the value of the game. They are perfectly in lone with the storytelling that mgs games are known for. You are also given the option to skip them all.

Mgs4 is a flawless game, you will never hear me say that about another.

@bottledspringwater - I'm pretty sure the people that have that in their sig. Mean best game of this ten. So far. Also, saying that you have not seen anybody call gears of war the best game/shooter/whatever of all time takes all credibility from your argument. I see that stuff here on a daily basis.

BottledSpringWater said:
MGS4 = best game this gen?
when the gen isn't even half over? (to whoever has that sig, you're a joke)
Oh, and those guys who make threads on how Killzone 2 is the best game ever.
It always seems like the PS3 fanboys though...
I never hear 360 owners saying Gears 2 the best game ever/this gen/shooter...


You must not look hard enough, I distinctly remember a thread going up about how Gears 2 was the new standard for gaming.
