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This could be the impact that the economic crisis is having on the industry. I'm guessing traditionally people would have more money to spend on games and therefore would buy more than one game. This crisis could have had an effect whereby consumers are now forced to choose one or two games rather than buy all the games they want. This in turn would mean lower profile games take a back seat.

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oh yeah, silent hill flopza too! oh but it kinda was a suck game anyway...

Were there any kind of marketing for de blob?

It's a shame, Motorstorm deserves good sales, it's awesome.
And Mirror's Edge should succeed enough for EA to realize, that while the game isn't superpopular because of some mistakes, they are on to something here.

Bit early to make the call on Banjo, we only have Others first week sales and it's possible that a more casual game like that will have decent legs.
Give it a couple of weeks before we make the call on it.

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

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Rainbird said:
It's a shame, Motorstorm deserves good sales, it's awesome.
And Mirror's Edge should succeed enough for EA to realize, that while the game isn't superpopular because of some mistakes, they are on to something here.


yep, about Mirror's Edge, I started playing yesterday and I'm already happy with what I saw.

But I can understand that some people didn't like it.

In fact, it takes time to understand the concept of ME while playing : It is about moving in an enhanced way

But the game is still presented has a FPS and FPS-perceptions come back quickly...


Anyhow, I find it fresh and inovative... I find sad that it is always the COD-style games that have great sales figures (I'm tired of shooting at human things and start to find that wrong...).


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

bugrimmar said:

Mirror's Edge bombed :'(

Banjo is selling like a 10 year old game...

Motorstorm 2... meh compared to 1st game

Da Blob fail everywhere :"O


What's with this holiday season eh? great games are flopping left and right...



I don't know why anyone is shocked that Motorstorm 2 is doing poorly. The original would have only hit ~0.75m had it not been bundled

de Blob (as pointed out) is doing fine for a game of its style and advertising

Mirro's Edge had a cool boxart, but once I saw the gameplay I figured it would only sell in small quantities.

Bnajo is actually doing worse than I expected.

Shuan White is about 10k lower than expected, we'll see how it does in America, which I'm guessing around 40k first week.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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bugrimmar said:
i hope l4d doesn't flop. it seems like a very quality multiplayer title that very few people can say bad things about.

i also do hope that white knight chronicles doesn't get hit by the flop button.. i really really want level 5 to succeed so that they can get dark cloud 3 out the door already!

Eh... i'd have low expectations for any RPG not Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest.... but that's me.


KylieDog said:
All the games that are bombing/selling less than expected deserve to.

LBP lied and mislead it fanbase about copyright, and still continues to.



KylieDog said:

LBP lied and mislead it fanbase about copyright, and still continues to.


 Could you elaborate? I stopped looking into LBP after it released.

Edit: Kasz you frakking ninja.