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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Story Thread

Okay, here's the deal.  This thread is for people who have a great (or not so great, who am I to judge?) story or memory about our favorite pasttime on VG Chartz......that would be VIDEOGAMES for the record.  The first time you saw your Atari, the first time you caught a pokemon (is that a yellow mouse?), the first time you did a barrel roll, the first time you ran through Green Hill Zone, the first time you saw a sackperson or heard "One Winged Angel" or realized the secret of the Halos....hell, maybe you had a Magnavox Odyssey! Videogames have had a pretty profound effect on a good deal of us, or we probably wouldn't be on a sales tracking site for them.  Care to share why? Did a particular game just have you saying "Wow" while you played it? (maybe it was WoW!)  Be as long-winded as you want! Or if you're not feeling so profound at the moment, just talk about games you're playing now.  So what's your story?


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That would be about the first time i played Mario 64.It was so pretty, so damn pretty, and Mario could triple jump and when i made him run in a circle, the way he tilted inwards.Couldnt stop smiling.

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

The first time Toad told me "Thank you Mario, but our princess is in another castle" it had a huge impact on my entire life. I told him "It's okay Toad. I will search every castle in the Mushroom Kingdom before I am done. Nothing can stop me." And that's exactly what I did. And "Thank you Mario, but our princess is in another castle" was my senior quote in my high school yearbook. There's always another castle in my life. And I'm never giving up!

oh man, i've had so many great times, it's hard to just name one. I suppose the most memorable times I've had had to do with launches. for the wii, or for brawl, there were just tons and tons of people outside for the midnight release. i was one of the 16 in the brawl tourny... good times.

some other great times were when me and my 4 friends all had our seperate wiis on seperate tvs in my friends basement, all trying to play TP together. great times indeed.

One of my greatest times playing video games was with this Game Boy was pretty was called Pokemon Red Version. I remember more distinctly than any other game when my dad handed it to me. The next few months were a glorious blur of Pokemon-catching goodness. I still have it in one of those old hard plastic cases from back in the day. All 151 pokemon, all level 100. Ok, MAYBE I experimented with the rare candy code a bit.....don't judge me! I just had to do everything in that game. I remember getting so upset about having to evolve my Pikachu to Raichu that after I beat the game I went to Viridian Forest and got another Pikachu, and proceeded to level him to 100, up to level 90 before I started with the roids (rare candies lol). But yeah, the affect that game had on favorite game of all time. I also happen to be amazingly good with Pikachu in all 3 Smash Bros. Coincidence?

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Mine was at the metal gear solid 4 midnight launch. They had a sony rep there and he had a crap load of metal gear questions. There were tons of metal gear fans there just dressed up and tons of crazy crap. BUT NO ONE COULD ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BUT ME!! it was ridiculous you had people who were obviously insane about the game but knew jack crap. I arrived a day early for the game and pretty much camped all day, was the first one there. But i didn't dress up or nething. I just played monster hunter and Metal Gear portable ops with some other people there. But what was awesome was all the crap i won. I won a back pack, a frisbee, a mgs4 strategy guide, a mgs4 bluetooth headset, a hat, 3 lanyards, a notebook, a psp case, and a umd holder.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

soulsamurai said:
Mine was at the metal gear solid 4 midnight launch. They had a sony rep there and he had a crap load of metal gear questions. There were tons of metal gear fans there just dressed up and tons of crazy crap. BUT NO ONE COULD ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BUT ME!! it was ridiculous you had people who were obviously insane about the game but knew jack crap. I arrived a day early for the game and pretty much camped all day, was the first one there. But i didn't dress up or nething. I just played monster hunter and Metal Gear portable ops with some other people there. But what was awesome was all the crap i won. I won a back pack, a frisbee, a mgs4 strategy guide, a mgs4 bluetooth headset, a hat, 3 lanyards, a notebook, a psp case, and a umd holder.


wow dude, you're lucky. there were quite a few ppl at my gamestop, but no rep :(

Videogames are fun. I enjoy playing them.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
The first time Toad told me "Thank you Mario, but our princess is in another castle" it had a huge impact on my entire life. I told him "It's okay Toad. I will search every castle in the Mushroom Kingdom before I am done. Nothing can stop me." And that's exactly what I did. And "Thank you Mario, but our princess is in another castle" was my senior quote in my high school yearbook. There's always another castle in my life. And I'm never giving up!


 Wow, theres something so simple yet amazingly inspirational about that. Thanks for sharing!

Bump for a thread started at night = essential.