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Okay, here's the deal.  This thread is for people who have a great (or not so great, who am I to judge?) story or memory about our favorite pasttime on VG Chartz......that would be VIDEOGAMES for the record.  The first time you saw your Atari, the first time you caught a pokemon (is that a yellow mouse?), the first time you did a barrel roll, the first time you ran through Green Hill Zone, the first time you saw a sackperson or heard "One Winged Angel" or realized the secret of the Halos....hell, maybe you had a Magnavox Odyssey! Videogames have had a pretty profound effect on a good deal of us, or we probably wouldn't be on a sales tracking site for them.  Care to share why? Did a particular game just have you saying "Wow" while you played it? (maybe it was WoW!)  Be as long-winded as you want! Or if you're not feeling so profound at the moment, just talk about games you're playing now.  So what's your story?