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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Am I the only person who HASN'T gotten the RRoD?

Mine is 2.5 years old and no rrod yet. I have had a bottom mount fan on it since the beginning.

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I had a launch console and never had RROD, but I decided to upgrade to a 120gb HD 2 months ago and sell my used launch 20gig on Craigslist. AFAIK that guy hasn't RROD'd either, he's on my buddy list and I'm sure he would tell me.

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I got mine in April 2007, so that's over a year-and-a-half now with no issues. Well, except for the loud internal fan. I know most people complain about the noise of the DVD drives, but my DVD drive seems pretty quiet.

You aren't the only one.

The internet blows everything out of proportion, and this was no exception.

I haven't but I've only had it since June

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I havn't had one but I'm going on only 8 months of owning.......I don't play it more than ten hours a week but I use it for dvd's alot.......

I hope mine does get rrod before my Best Buy warranty goes out which would be 16 months from now........Then I could get a gift card and get a newer one with money left over since the recent price my luck it'll RROD right after the three year warranty expires and then I will have to do the towel trick....he he

My little brother had a 2006 one rrod.........And a frind who got one from launch has gone through 3 refurbs but the one he has now seems to being fine.......

Got a recent model 360 and no problems with it, but my launch wii just died, well stopped reading discs.


2006 model, no RRoD, play about 10 hours a week.

No rrod for me yet, it has a production date of may 06, although I got in 2007. I have a feeling the disc drive will break before I see any red lights. That sucker is loud and seems to stop spinning at times.

WiiU Network ID:  the_Ultros

PSN: Anthaleigh

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If at its peak, RROD was averaging 33% of consoles failing, then that sill means 67% weren't. You are clearly still in the larger percentage who don't experience a failure along with the majority of 360 owners.

It doesn't mean anything as an individual statistic though, just confirms where (currently) you sit. If you do get RROD (whatever the odds are now) then you'll be joining the other group of 360 owners.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...