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Forums - PC Discussion - Happy Birthday Half-Life! Only $0.98 on Steam!!!!

this is posted in the news section... give my article some love and thank Valve for a decade of awesome!

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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
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This sucks, I had to send the RAM in my new PC back to newegg, and this is one game I always regretted not playing, especially since I've started playing HL2 again. Can I buy this without the steam client through a browser?

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king_of_the_castle said:
This sucks, I had to send the RAM in my new PC back to newegg, and this is one game I always regretted not playing, especially since I've started playing HL2 again. Can I buy this without the steam client through a browser?


no, and this takes like no ram to run.... seriously...

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

Ahh, great, I followed the link to steam and was able to buy it through the web browser, and now we wait...

Currently Playing:  Saints Row 2 | Battlefield 2 | Company of Heroes

Recently Beaten: Gears of War | Super Mario Galaxy | Darwinia | MGS4 | Sam and Max Ep. 4, Portal | Mirror's Edge | Uncharted | Mass Effect

Looking Forward to: Alan Wake | Splinter Cell : Conviction | The Last Guardian | Batman: Arkham Asylum | SMG2 | Mass Effect 2 |

beautiful.. just got home from uni and got on the download.. fantastic price

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quarashi said:
I've been playing it most of the night but at random times, the cd in my disk drive just starts randomly playing. And not even in order, like all the sudden track 4 starts playing, after its done and about 10 mins later track 1 starts playing.

Has anyone gotten a problem like that?

I used to have that problem with StarCraft.  PC games from 1998 would sometimes play the game music off the CD, so it might be assuming that that's a Half-Life disc in your computer and playing the appropriate tracks that it thinks are game music.  I bet if you play the same level over and over, you'll recognize track 4 and track 1 always kick in at the same points in the game.

Try playing without a disc in there and see if that works?

Not worth the 1$ in 2008 when someone could just download a torrent if they wanted t for absolutely nothing.

Killergran said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
Khuutra said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
tabsina said:
Anyone know how big the download file would be? (Living in Australia means limited downloads, so despite the cheap price i want to make sure i'll be able to allocate enough for it)


 Mine was 708MB (I just downloaded it).

So far, I have to say this game isn't a lot of fun. I haven't really gotten to the fighting yet though. Hopefully it improves (as right now, it's almost as big a dissapointment as Starcraft).



Take it slow. You are supposed to take in the atmosphere like long sips of cool water. If you just run around looking for things to do you're missing the point of the early game. Relax. Take it easy. It's good... just let it do what it needs to do to set up the blocks. Admire the construction.

(this is me being calm, I consider Half-Life's opening the best in pretty much any game)

I guess that this is a bit because I played it 10 years later. When a person looked at this in 98, he surely thought how amazing it looked and was impressed by the atmosphere and such, like I was with Half-Life 2.

On HL1, it just looked a bit dull, and as I cannot get any dang subtitles (is there a way to?) I had a bit of a problem understanding stuff and such.

When that reactor thingy goes off for instance, the noise was so loud, what I heard people say made no sense.


When I played Half-life in '98, it completely redefined the idea of an FPS. Story-driven, no cut-scenes, only first person, awesome graphics (that actually look ok today, compared to a lot of other 3d games released around that time)... controls smooth as I don't care to mention what, smart enemies, lip sync, alternate fire etc. Basically, Half-Life was the first modern FPS, and it completely blew my mind.

Playing it today however, I can see how you would react. If you've played Half-Life 2 you will have nothing to find here, except some really nice battles with the commandos. And those are mostly fun because of the pacing, not the awesomeness of the battles themselves. So Oyvoyvoyv, I'm sorry. You missed the awesomeness that is Half-Life, and can probably never get it back :(



 Yeah, I'm a bit sad about it too. Although it may get better as I play. BTW, the reason I couldn't understand a crap int the beginning was that there had been an error while downloading (so when I talked to someone, 2 people answered at once).

I still like the shooters from the N64 though (James Bond: The world is not enough still lists in my top 10 favourite shooters, and it looks like complete crap compared to HL).


DTG said:
Not worth the 1$ in 2008 when someone could just download a torrent if they wanted t for absolutely nothing.


I guess we are very different people. If I could pay a 1 time fee of 1 dollar instead of pirating, I would. It's not like I have never done anything like that (I have a Visual Boy Advance on my PC), but I have only done it when it is actually impossible for me to get the game (as in, it isn't on Amazon, and no other store in my close neigboorhood).

I also don't see the huge difference between purchasing something used and pirating it (for the developer and people who created the game). Here you can pay a minimal fee to play an awesome game, legally.

Just for the moral status, I'd almost rather pay 1 dollar and not play the game than torrent it and play it (but only almost).

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

DTG said:
Not worth the 1$ in 2008 when someone could just download a torrent if they wanted t for absolutely nothing.


That is a reprehensible sentiment - I wish it was bannable. Is it bannable? Somebody tell me it's bannable! SOMEBODY BAN THE GUY WHOSE OPINION DEVIATES FROM MINE


Not buying this is a crime.