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Forums - Gaming Discussion - what shall i do :s ?

Well, since I suck at remembering to check people's games list, the situation changes a bit... Only a little though (I didn't know you had a Wii :P)

Personally, I can see the importance of having a HD console of your own compared to owning only a Wii and borrowing a 360, so I would still say that buying a PS3 is a good choice. Unless you will be playing your brother's 360 so much, it might as well have been yours.

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this is why i love this site so much you know what you're talking about
i already have al lot good tips en things that let me thing twice before buying anything thanks guys keep up the good work

I would go for a 360 There;s a never ending list of DLC and its only 299 for a 60g bundle with a nice bit of goodies the online is awesome and it has a lot of good games, But you can go for a 360, But its sorta a personal choice i without a doubt buy a ps3 if a had the cash and a non bitchy mother haha

Obvious choice imo. He buys the 360, you buy a controller. He buys games, you mooch. This way you also have someone to play with. If he doesn't buy a game you want, buy it yourself. Also, used 360 games are cheaper than used PS3 games for some weird reason.