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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Happy birthday Wii!!

I didn't camp and I didn't pre-order -- I was dumb. They had the U.S. West Coast launch locally (I lived in L.A. at the time) and on the morning after midnight launch, I went to the GameStop up at CityWalk to see if they had an extra copy.

Well, of course, they didn't... So, I wound up driving from site to site in the San Fernando Valley, looking to see if anyone had a Wii. Everyone was out, and it was then I began to understand, and despair. In the days that followed, I took to calling stores, to try to figure out when the 2nd shipment would come in. The GameStop I originally went to were supposed to release pre-ordered Wiis that hadn't yet been picked up, but due to bad information from one of the employees, I wound up a day late for those. :I

Finally, I got someone to agree to call me when they got some in, and I jetted down as soon as was possible when that call came. I remember the employee warning me about walking too far with the package visible, and I remember having my friends over for Wii Sports that night.

For a time, I wondered if I was kind of silly in putting in that effort for a game system that certainly would soon be widely available. It wasn't until finding VGChartz that I found out that if I had just waited to find one sitting on a store shelf, it would have been a while... actually, until now! :)

Happy Birthday, Wii!

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GLoRySoGLoRy said:
kabhold said:
Congrats Wii. You made alot of people happy.


 and sad, worry, anxious, then sad again.


Maybe so.   I'm not a huge wii fanatic.... by any means.  But alot of people like it.  ALOT. So they must be doin' something right.

It would be nice to see some posts from here or other forums that predicted how it would do in comparison to the competition.

llewdebkram said:
It would be nice to see some posts from here or other forums that predicted how it would do in comparison to the competition.



If so everyone thought 3rd place.....Even me.


Happy Birthday Wii
You were a fresh new idea. You saved gaming for me.
With Motion+ you'll do it all over again,
Everybody laughed at first .......
But you turned out to be the little white box that could

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Well, I got mine for my birthday in May 07. Originally, my parents ordered (or pre-ordered, I dunno. I didn't even know that the Wii was comming out...) the Wii to get it for christmas 06, but as some people started to say that they would buy the company's Wiis for double the price and such, well, they ignored the people who had ordered early, but were just paying the standard price.

Well, I didn't really get it. It was a gift from my parents to all six in the family (including them), but of course they were expecting me to be the one playing the most.

That didn't happen. For a few months, we owned only Wii Sports and Play, and everyone played about as much. Then we got Zelda, which we all played together (tradition, we always play the Zeldas together all 6 of us, as that's how we played it on the N64).

As of now, I may be the one "using" the Wii the least. Everyone else than me in the family have exceeded 40 hours of Wii Fit (each!) and my mom and dad have been playing Mario Kart for probably 100 hours at least. Heck, my dad started a new Disaster Day of Crisis File while I was asleep, and when I woke up, he had finished it!

Whenever I play, someone is watching me/playing with me, and giving some advice to how to play, so it's either me or my oldest sister who uses the Wii the least.


That's my Wii story. I didn't really have a launch story (as I didn't know the Wii existed), so I took another story. Hope you don't mind.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Well I pre-ordered at Toys R Us because they said that they were giving away a FREE game with all pre-orders... That game turned out to be NFS: Carbon :( and so i waited til midnight and then til 2am before I had my Wii box.. and they didn't have any peripherals or games which was very disappointing..

I got home and played some Wii Sports which was awesome.. Then the next morning went out at 9am to see if any stores had Wii Play and Zelda and an extra nunchuk, to my surprise the first store I went to had all of them! So I began my Zelda journey that day.. To me Wii Sports is the one true Wii title and no other game has surpassed it in terms of what the Wii is about..

I'm hoping Wii Sports Resort eclipses that..


i just managed to find one in a wal-mart 100 miles from my house randomly a year and half ago.

so lucky...

come try out the computer game i've been working on for my high school senior project, titled sling ball.


brawl friendcode - 3823-8201-9151

mario kart wii friendcode - 0387-9491-4552

PM me if you add me plz.


150vg$ bet(with haggy) mk wii 2009 worldwide sales > any 360/ps3 game released in 2009.

current mk wii worldwide sales (jan 9th): 553k

Happy Birthday!!!

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Happy birthday Wii! I remember camping outside of Target for nearly 8 hours, freezing my ass off, just to get you.