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Forums - General Discussion - well my day is ruined

that sucks!

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I just found out I'm 2 weeks late for proposing my final project in my avant-garde film class. Hahaha. But it's okay. I only need to barely pass this turd of a class. I've had a good GPA my whole life, and now I just need to pass and get the hell out of here.

Yesterday I finally landed a decent job. Financial administrator for a small company. Quite nice, pay is good and can do it part-time.
I felt so liberated after a full month of continue searching for work.

Then today I got a call. If I still felt like being part of an ERP project for a hospital. To me, the bets job I could land in conjunction with my study. But as I already felt obliged to the first job I turned it down. I could really beat my head against the wall for not waiting one other day...

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


that's 3$ you'll never see again, i feel your pain man

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Yeah, well I had a car with the door almost broken off, and it was tied shut, but I couldn't close the window. Bums would sleep in my car. Only thing anybody ever stole from my car was my air freshener. It had titties on it. I was parked right next to a church.

you always have the best stories, lol

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lets see...just today when I got my report card!!

haha its not that bad. But i only have a 77 average and I'm trying to get into a good university. I need at least an 82+ average probably

You wait until you find they have shit in your glovebox and cum in your ashtray!!


Did it happen at Kwantlen?

^ hahah no, though thats a pretty good guess. it was a parking lot at a bar, baselines on fraser hwy


Don't feel too bad. A few months ago someone threw a rock through the back window of my van during the same week my grandmother died and the goldfish I had for 3 years died. That week sucked.

My van's also had another window knocked out in a Taco Bell drive thru and the sliding door broken to the point it wouldn't close. The same drunken friend broke it both times. Now he's banned from riding unless he's sober.