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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resistance 2 or COD World At War?

Hi guys

I have the budget for one of these games only (I have a PS3 BTW).  Which one should I get?  I have weighed up the pros and cons to each but if anyone has anything to add it would be greatly appreciated!


Pros: plays like COD4/some people say it`s better than COD4 though I don`t know how.

Cons: see above/I am tired of ww2 games with the same old guns and uniforms.


Pros: looks at little different than COD5/ I haven`t got the first one/new guns (For me anyway).

Cons: I have heard it`s not as good a multiplayer as COD5/seems a lot like halo (which I don`t like).


Any suggestions?  I loved the multiplayer on COD4 - is resistance 2 as diverse as this?  what are the maps like on COD5?

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Resistance 2. The multiplayer is magic, while CoD: W@W just copies everything COD4 did and pasted it back to WWII.

Not that it matters because gameplay is the most important, but visually which one looks the best?

Resistance is the better choice. They play much differently. If you like lots of action R2. If you like to camp and hide, then maybe CodW@W is the choice. My suggestion is buy R2 now and wait for Infinity Ward to release their next version. After all Forilas said it above, Codw@w just copied everything from Cod4, but it is not in any way an improvement.

In terms of graphics, its difficult for me to compare, because they are different. Resistance 2 is more animated, and the graphics are not the best out there, but mainly because it has to render HUUge landscapes and a LOT of enemies. Wait till youplay cooperative multiplayer and you face 50+ monsters°°

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I've decided to get WaW first. It has had several strong recommendations and many of my friends have it. It is similar to 4, and I adored 4, so that is no bad thing. It also has the voice of Jack Bauer

The problem with Resistance 2 is that I really don't like horror, and I have read that there are some survival horror elements to the game, and it is also more of an arcady shooter, whereas I prefer something similar to CoD

Munkeh111 said:
I've decided to get WaW first. It has had several strong recommendations and many of my friends have it. It is similar to 4, and I adored 4, so that is no bad thing. It also has the voice of Jack Bauer

The problem with Resistance 2 is that I really don't like horror, and I have read that there are some survival horror elements to the game, and it is also more of an arcady shooter, whereas I prefer something similar to CoD


I have to say I own R2 and you're right about this. However, cod:Waw = COD4 in WW2 so I don't see the point in upgrading either. If you go by the era's of the game, it's actually downgrading lol

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

I'd go R2...single player is fun (despite what people have said, the campaign is pretty epic and exciting), Co Op is unbelievable and I don't really like multiplayer competitive but the Skirmish mode is awesome, even though i am one of the worst players!

WaW i don't have, but my brother in law does, he loves it, but he is Call of Duty im tired of WWII

My opinion? Resistance 2 and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. ;)

Resistance 2 is longer and have more replay value.