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Forums - Website Topics - We dont referance vgchartz?

There are a couple of these articles floating around, and you'll notice they always have the same thing in common.

The tend to focus on low-sales software and europe.

Shocker: VGC freely admits our EU software data is a WIP.

And even then they only ever point out maybe 2 or 3 games out of the thousands we track.

If their best complaint is that a small fraction of our software estimates in one of the most complicated and tough to track regions is occasionally off then I have to say I feel like we're doing a very good job.

To Each Man, Responsibility
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mike_intellivision said:
Another note

I generally like Chris Kohler's work. But occasionally he goes off the deep end -- like his trashing of Mario Kart Wii over the Battle Mode changes (which might not be that great but are not why anyone else but him plays the game).

IMHO, this is one of those times.

Mike from Morgantown


Hey battle mode is the only reason why i play Mario Kart games too!

Man i was i pissed about those changes.

Though I can see looking back why they made it FPS like... because it's no fun when someone kicks your ass early on, then you have to watch everyone else dogfight.

Though that never happened to me.  I ruled at oldschool battlemode matches.

goddog said:
mike_intellivision said:
Another note

I generally like Chris Kohler's work. But occasionally he goes off the deep end -- like his trashing of Mario Kart Wii over the Battle Mode changes (which might not be that great but are not why anyone else but him plays the game).

IMHO, this is one of those times.

Mike from Morgantown


I felt the blow to battle mode was monumental, its one of the reasons i prefer to play it on the SNES, if only that version had 4 player it would be perfect.

The N64 battlemode is cool too... if you ignore the fact that two of the stages are absolute rubbish.