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Forums - Sony Discussion - MUST SEE (for KZ2 fans):Some Awesome KillZone 2 Gifs(New & OLD)

For some reason my article isn't at the top of the page. :(

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Fuckin' great. Graphics are on an extremely good level.

makingmusic476 said:
My impressions are up!


 Awesome! If any opinion on the game is worth a read it's yours seeing as how closely you've seemed to have been following this game. That and your an MGS fan which automatically makes you the greatest mod on this site!

PS3 Trophies



the graphcs look excellent, as for gameply ill let the reviews from certain sites decide and then ill play it if theure good and give my own word on gameplay.

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I love that first gif ,,,,the one behind the cover.




Im already jealous.....this game looks great!

Looks great, i just it is that good.


guys feel free top post whch one is your favorite




here is my top 3:


3)love the destructible cover

2)Love the blood effects

1)Anotehr great destrucible effects