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no but there is a slim chance if we form a circle and i use my phone or you use yours we could what do u say want to chance it

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vicky is an angel

Hawk said:
bardicverse said:
^^^ everyone has their thing. I used to be very strict about dating people my own age. When I was 25 I was bit by a cougar, and have loved significantly older women for a bit. Then my current gf takes me by surprise, going against any prior preferences, as she's 10 years younger than me. It sort of has an inverted sense of the teacher/student relationship from an age standpoint ;)

Thats kinda funny. It went pretty similar for me. I always was attracted to older women growing up. But I ended up marrying someone 9 years younger.


Ha, awesome =) Maybe there's potential with the current gf then =)


Next lesson with her smack her bottom

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.


Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

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Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

stovo said:
Next lesson with her smack her bottom


No pics? that sucks.Atleast can't you get a pic of someone who looks similar?I really want to see if this teacher of yours is hot.

wait, Im seeing a correlation between two of ur threads DFL XD

Thatmax said:
wait, Im seeing a correlation between two of ur threads DFL XD

as i said in the other thread this one called vicky is the one i want to do shes young and the other thread talks about some old teacher