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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Choose Me Two New Wii Games!

Considering you consider PoP a really bad game, I wouldn't recommend Zelda, MP3 or RE4. (Not that they are directly comparable, but... without knowing what you dislike most about PoP, you might not like them either... In general, POP is not as good as the others, but there is certain elements that are similar)

I actually have not played any of the your top 4 finalist, but I would go with GH WT of those listed, as you know what you are getting, but it's a lot more expensive whith all the instruments...

As has been previously mentioned in this thread, you may want to also consider BW II, and Zack & Wiki.

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Disaster. Wii music.

jlauro said:

Considering you consider PoP a really bad game, I wouldn't recommend Zelda, MP3 or RE4. (Not that they are directly comparable, but... without knowing what you dislike most about PoP, you might not like them either... In general, POP is not as good as the others, but there is certain elements that are similar)

I actually have not played any of the your top 4 finalist, but I would go with GH WT of those listed, as you know what you are getting, but it's a lot more expensive whith all the instruments...

As has been previously mentioned in this thread, you may want to also consider BW II, and Zack & Wiki.

The controls... oh my, the controls! I'm a big fan of PoP 1 & 2 on the PC, but this did for game controls what PoP 3D did for... 3D. Tilt the remote (roll) to turn the camera? The shake and mash combo system was... ridiculous. I'll probably pick up the entire "new" trilogy on PC at some point.

Oh dear...

Mm'kay, forget about all those games in the OP.

Look into:

-Twilight Princess (your profile says you like adventure games. Well this is the best one there is)
-Metroid Prime 3
-Zack and Wiki
-No More Heroes
-Resident Evil 4

Also, I don't think Disaster was even released in Australia. I haven't seen it anywhere.


May be I'm wrong, but I think you used to be PC-only gamer, really odd game list.

My vote for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - both action-adventures, differ from each other in any way, both worth playing. Zelda always used to be very accessible for almost every gamer, so if you played it enough you wouldn't stop till the end. Metroid not so good at this point, not for you if you don't like high level of backtracking, this game seriously not about shooting things. Nothing new comparing with brilliant Metroid Prime (2002), but there're not so much games of this type on the market.

There're a couple of other games from 'excellent' to 'mediocre', but rest depends on your tastes: Battalion Wars 2, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Mario Kart Wii, No More Heroes, Super Paper Mario, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, Wario Land: Shake It!, Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure etc.

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Of those games, I'd choose Guitar Hero and Shaun White. But get Metroid Prime 3 first!

--OkeyDokey-- said:

Oh dear...

Mm'kay, forget about all those games in the OP.

Look into:

-Twilight Princess (your profile says you like adventure games. Well this is the best one there is)
-Metroid Prime 3
-Zack and Wiki
-No More Heroes
-Resident Evil 4

Also, I don't think Disaster was even released in Australia. I haven't seen it anywhere.

How can you recommend all of these games? According to your profile, you only have three Wii games I don't :-/. I'm not meaning to be accusational, just curious.

I will look into The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Everyone seems to be recommending that and calling it an adventure game. But they were calling Zack and Wiki an adventure game too! I played the demo. level online. For me, point and click puzzles alone do not an adventure game make.

ATTENTION! According to online catalogues, Disaster: Day of Crisis has been released in Australia! It's mentioned here and here at least.

Edit: I'm going to Melbourne tomorrow (later today!), so I should find at least one store that's selling it.

Trauma Center 2 ?

De Blob ?

Zack & Wiki ? Dewy's Adventure ? (Very cheap games and sooo good)

DONT GET Wii Music, if you have a guitar take Guitar Hero
+ Disaster

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gurok said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:

Oh dear...

Mm'kay, forget about all those games in the OP.

Look into:

-Twilight Princess (your profile says you like adventure games. Well this is the best one there is)
-Metroid Prime 3
-Zack and Wiki
-No More Heroes
-Resident Evil 4

Also, I don't think Disaster was even released in Australia. I haven't seen it anywhere.

How can you recommend all of these games? According to your profile, you only have three games I don't :-/. I'm not meaning to be accusational, just curious.

I will look into The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Everyone seems to be recommending that and calling it an adventure game. But they were calling Zack and Wiki an adventure game too! I played the demo. level online. For me, point and click puzzles alone do not an adventure game make.

ATTENTION! According to online catalogues, Disaster: Day of Crisis has been released in Australia! It's mentioned here and here at least.

I have Okami and RE4 on ps2. They're even better with Wii controls, apparently.
Rented Zack and No More Heroes and enjoyed them both.


I called LOZ:TP and MP3:C ACTION-adventures, that's not a genre strictly speaking so don't misunderstood me. The gameplay mechanics of LOZ:TP reminds me roguelike games, but instead crushing mobs that's all about puzzles (there're few mobs and very well designed boss battles, but that's not a point), usually concentrating on one item you obtained in dungeon, so design of mobs, bosses and dungeon based on this particular item +overworld, where you can buy things, speak to NPCs etc. MP3:C is all about backtracking and acquring new abilities, new abilities means a lot more things to do, which means a lot more levels to explore. Puzzles based on your scaners and weapons, scan things first - read about what you've found - find way to solve a puzzle using your abilities - move along.

Obvious things, for those who NEVER playd Zelda or Metroid game ^_^

//Z&W is nothing in common with p'n'c adventures like Sierra ot LucasArts classics. That's what I call puzzle advenutre, a set of puzzles, that's not what I call heavy-text game.