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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Left 4 Dead is AWESOME!!

I'm waiting for my copy to arrive, i have to put this on my gaming rig, i was looking at the specs and if everything is right i'll be playing it at maximum settings...

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I am in love with versus mode. It makes expert against the AI seem like cake.

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BenKenobi88 said:

Ok, I'll come out and say it...I was getting bored with the Left 4 Dead demo...and while playing on Advanced, it didn't exactly pack a huge punch.  Expert was crazy fun, but maybe just a little too's not fun when you're seriously raging about friendly fire or a couple punches from regular zombies.  But this was the game I had been waiting for, for about 2 years, but I mean, I could see why some people didn't exactly dig it.

But after playing through one full campaign, No Mercy, with 3 of my friends...I can't see how the naysayers can refute the awesomeness that is Left 4 Dead.

We actually had to switch to Normal cause we were suckin it up so much...we got ripped apart by a Tank, puked on by countless Boomers...and the maps get much more interesting past the demo levels as well.

But the thing that just sold me completely, after all the intense fighting and swearing because people left me to die, or keep running ahead too far, was the epic finale.  A last stand on the hospital rooftop with a chaingun and tons of zombies coming at you, a bunch of Hunters, Smokers, and Boomers, and then a Tank.  We did ok, we had most of our health and healthpacks after it.  Then came another wave, with even more zombies, more boss infected, and ANOTHER Tank.  SERIOUSLY. 

After all that, the helicopter finally arrived, one of us had been killed by the Tank, the rest of us had only 30 or so health each.  Then, a Hunter pounced on one of my friends, a Smoker grabbed my other friend way far away, and ANOTHER Tank came bustin in the place!  AGHAHGHH!!  We somehow managed to pull all 3 of us together and simply ran like hell for the chopper, and we got away. 

The credits rolled, the movie was in memory of our dead friend, and after all the stat credits rolled up, it made sure to tell us that 2,383 zombies were killed in the making of this movie.

Seriously.  Awesome.  And it took us about 2 hours to get through the whole another 3 campaigns to play later!


I admit too that the demo was fun but wasn't the most amazing thing ever but just playing through the No Mercy level.  FUCK that was insane.

We too started out on Advanced but had to switch to normal on the part with the lift and the gas station.  THat part was just insane with the zombies pouring out of everywhere.  It took us so many tries to get past that and we kept having to come up with new strategies. 

Sometimes there would be a witch, almost every time there was a tank, but everytime it was awesome.

Up until the hospital any doubts I had about this game were relieved.

And then I got to the hospital

That hospital was one of the most spectacular environment I have ever seen.  I still have goosebumps over just how awesome that area was.  Everything about it was top notch.

And then we finally got to the rooftop and even on normal difficulty we still couldn't get past it after four tries.  Each time we would spend about 10 minutes making strategies and each time we died a different way.

And the kicked was that each time it was insane amounts of fun, not frustrating in the least.

I think by far one of the coolest moments was when the tank just gut punched me right off the roof of the hospital.


Everyone that has a PC that can run it or a 360, get this game.  The demo was great but the full game instantly put it in my top 5 of all time.


Hurry up friday.....!!!!!!!! can't wait to slip this beauty in to my 360

vlad321 said:
I second that, this game is HUGE, GOTY material right there, it stands head, shoulders, and torso above any other game that has come out, even WOTLK (imo a great quality expansion). We called it a night just as we called the elevator up, holed ourselves in a closet, then BOOM, they attacked from behind. We lasted for a good minute but then we started dropping, and when we thought everything was calm I went to pick up the last survivor besides me that wasn't dead a smoker came out of nowhere and BOOM. We called it a night cause we have classes though. This is true co-op at its finest.


Oh that fight was insane!  We were all low on health, health packs, and vitamins so we thought we would be clever.  About half way through the fight I hear OMG OMG OMG they broke down the wall behind us!!

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twesterm said:
vlad321 said:
I second that, this game is HUGE, GOTY material right there, it stands head, shoulders, and torso above any other game that has come out, even WOTLK (imo a great quality expansion). We called it a night just as we called the elevator up, holed ourselves in a closet, then BOOM, they attacked from behind. We lasted for a good minute but then we started dropping, and when we thought everything was calm I went to pick up the last survivor besides me that wasn't dead a smoker came out of nowhere and BOOM. We called it a night cause we have classes though. This is true co-op at its finest.


Oh that fight was insane!  We were all low on health, health packs, and vitamins so we thought we would be clever.  About half way through the fight I hear OMG OMG OMG they broke down the wall behind us!!


Let me put it this way, expert difficulty + zombies breaking the wall on the other side = a shout that woke up my rommates, all 3 of them, even the ones across the apartment. Yeah we thought we would be clever too... didn't work as intended.... I can't wait for us to pick this up again tomorrow, I wanna see this roof event.


As for the versus mode. O... M.... G... That has to be the most fun I have ever played. if you get 2 cooperating groups this turns into an amazing multiplayer. This is how cop multiplayer should be done from this point on and nothign else should be accepted. 1 side is overpowered but has only one life, the other side dies nearly instantly but has infinite lives and also has disables to even out the field. Even when losing and sides are unmatched those the multiplayer can be fun.

This game is absolutely sublime.


Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


I might have gotten this game if my PC was powerful enough. Tried demo on 360 and hated it not totally because of the game but targetting with a controller has been turned into a nightmare for me due to two years of Wii remote use. Think I'll just wait for RE5. Aiming will still be a nightmare but at least the game should be enjoyeable.

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