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Forums - General Discussion - So if you knew the world was gonna end in two days.........

DMeisterJ said:
Lose my virginity, multiple times, to a horse.

2 times!!! lol

You remember that video on your bro's computer? lol classic indeed!

Around the Network
Cougarman said:
^ did the horse in my sig turn you on for you to say that?

I didn't even notice ur sig.

@ xlost


I'm the only one who knows?

I'd do nothing differently.

Nobody is going to believe me in time. No way to stop it.

No reason to freak anyone else out about impending death.

So... no real choice but to go about my day normally so as to not let on to other people.

I'd prolly call in sick to work though. Hang out with my girlfriend and play videogames while she was busy at school.

5. Drive a car
4. post as much as I can here
3. Torch the school
2. Go GTA on every city
1. Pilot an airplane

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Well if the world was going to end, I would right now confess to this one girl at my job. I love her and want to have sex and play the Wii with her and make

^^^^thats going to happen in a couple of

But more importantly pray.

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xlost7 said:
Well if the world was going to end, I would right now confess to this one girl at my job. I love her and want to have sex and play the Wii with her and make

^^^^thats going to happen in a couple of

But more importantly pray.

I probably wouldn't open with "I love you." 

I'd probably open with "I'd like to date you" or something... and hold on to the love talk till after a date or two... or something.


I know, but I was only applying the "I love you" saying if the world was coming to an end.
But since it isn't, I'm not saying that word until I get to know her or go out with her.

I'd time it right so that I'd say "knock knock" and right after somebody says "who's there?" the world would explode.

Or I'd just do the shave and a haircut.... world ends.

But for the 2 days in advance I'd blast my memoirs into outer space on a radio, have some sex, get drunk, do some weird drugs, and start a thread on here letting you all know the world's gonna end. But I wouldn't want to waste too much time on my computer, so the thread would say "World ends in 2 days suckers, bye."

I'd fuck d21lewis in the ass.

Shit yeah.

As in go buy us some coffee.

5.Kiss the girl I like from school

4. Have sex with a couple of girls that I like

3. Fly to Japan

2. Make a manga and beg to shonen jump to atleast publish the first chapter.

1. Steal a Nasa rocket and escape while making my last epic vgchartz thread.