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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Best VC Game

I am trying to decide which VC/ Wii ware game to get.


Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time scored 10 on ign, but i like f-zero.

And, i am thinking of super mario 64, but if i have played it through once, will it be boring?


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Ocarina of Time is a must have, dude. I'd definitely go with that.

If you've never played Paper Mario you should definitely give that a try too.

Ocarina of time.

I have F-Zero, but F-Zero X is much more worth it.

I already have OoT on GC disc which is why I haven't got that, if you haven't played it before I'd get this one.

SM64 is great, it has aged better than OoT in my opinion too, but if you have played it before (and not OoT) then it might not be worth it.


Personally, If you meant F-Zero X , I would get that out of the three..... If not, then get OoT if you haven't played it before, or get SM64 if you have played OoT before.

Definitely Paper Mario :D


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Super Mario World. Perfect controls. Give me the feather in that game and I can do anything I want.

I am leaning toward ocarina of time.


Ya know, I think I'll re-buy Super Mario World tonight. Great memories with that game. I got it for the GBA too, but it never gets old. Never.

Oh yeah, Zelda OoT was stellar back in the day, but I tried to play it again on the VC. To say the least, I couldn't really enjoy it. No rumble pak support and no C buttons on the Classic Controller killed my fun on this game. I say go with F-Zero. It's aged better.

Ocarina of Time