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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz needs you (PAL Wii users)

I am in need of some new helping hands in collecting data for the weekly PAL charts for Wiiware and Virtual Console. If you are willing, and have the time to do these jobs, apply by posting here or sending me a personal message (if you can do more than one of these then great, apply for all)

"Qualifications" needed:
For job 1 and 1.5 - An internet enabled Wii for the PAL region
For job 2 and 3 - Same as above plus have the Nintendo channel downloaded
For all - about 20-30 minutes free time each week.


Job 1: Collection of the Wiiware AND VC rankings for the shop channel for 4 countries (I will explain how you can change the country setting if you apply), likely Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Portugal.... but could change depending on where you live.
Date: every week sometime between Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning.
Estimated time to complete: approx. 30 minutes.

Job 1.5: (called this because it would be preferable for someone to do both job 1 and 1.5)
Collection of the Wiiware OR VC rankings (alternating each week) for the shop channel for 4 countries, which would be the same as above countries.
Date: Each week on Friday evening as close to midnight (going on Sat morn) as possible.
Estimated time to complete: approx. 20 minutes.

Job 2: Collection of the data from the Nintendo Channel for Spain, so it would be best if you live in Spain, but it doesn't take too long to change the country setting.
Date: Each week sometime between Tuesday and Saturday
Estimated time to complete: 20 minutes if you live in Spain, 25 minutes if not.

Job 3: Collection of the data from the Nintendo Channel for Scandanavia, so it would be best if you live in one of the countries included (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland or Portugal or Greece), but it doesn't take too long to change the country setting.
Date: Each week sometime between Tuesday and Saturday
Estimated time to complete: 25 minutes if you live in Spain, 30 minutes if not.


Also if any Australian/Kiwi (is that the correct term for New Zealander?) users  read this and have 10-20 minutes free each week, I may have an additional job for you.

Thank you.

Around the Network

Damn well better be at least some replies if not willing participants by tomorrow. 'Else I shall pronounce this website lazier than RolStoppable himself.

Hmmm... perhaps a bad time??? I think it's around 12-1 for them :S [Not sure.]

4 ≈ One

Yes it is 1:20 am here in UK (2:20 am in central Europe) but I first posted this thread 4 hours ago (9:20pm / 10:20pm)

*cough* bump *cough*

Come on, I need help.

Around the Network

i would really like to help, too bad you are taking care of my area

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

Would love to help, but my lifestyle does not give me the pleasure of being home often. Usually I am gone from Monday to Thursday, sometimes till Friday. And on the weekend I do travel a lot for pleasure.....sorry.

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The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

Cougarman said:
i would really like to help, too bad you are taking care of my area

Hey, don't go away, I used to do the whole lot myself.... you don't have to live in the country to view the data.

If you have 30 minutes free on Monday night (ish) and about the same for Friday night each week you could be a big help.

If you don't want to be tied to such a specific time-frame you could get either Scandanavian or Spanish Nintendo channel data for me even easier than the shop data.... it takes a couple of minutes to change the country setting (and back to UK again afterwards)


Rolstoppable is really lazy, VGC on the whole cant be as bad

MichaelSchumacher said:
Rolstoppable is really lazy, VGC on the whole cant be as bad

Well I appreciate your help, though I would prefer if you didn't keep changing accounts, can't you be more sensible

Although, if you can you could help me with more than just Benelux data?