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Forums - Gaming Discussion - IGN and others review Left 4 Dead!

I will be getting this game sooner than later.  I just have so much to play right now.  I loved the demo.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




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disolitude said:

9 out of 10 for graphics? Really IGN? This game is a 9? wow...

Seriously though, game is amazing but graphics are quite sub par. Even animations are sub can blow up a guys head and thats about it. No dismemberment. Also, there isn't any force when shooting zombies and bosses they jsut stand there and take it.

I know that 100s of zombies are on screen but graphics are seriously 2006ish.

Again, this doesnt take away anything from this being an awesome game...but reviewer freebe points like this screw me and my bet with Ben.  :)

There's definitely dismemberment of arms, legs, and heads...the shotgun typically does the best for that...

Anyway, let's not focus on the numbers (except for our bet) what they have to say...I hate it when people think 9.0 is somehow low?  Or that the number is all that matters.

There's still a free demo anyone can try, too.


Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

I just bought Left 4 Dead for the PC, it was overhyped. 


My Left 4 Dead Score:  9.0


I think IGN gave it the right score.

"Get a life! What? I'm a gamer, I have tons of lives."

Playstation Network ID: XxMrMonoplyGuyxX


End of '08 Predictions as of 12/31/07:
 42 millionX360: 25 millionPS3: 20 million


So...9.0 is overhyped now?

Did you only play the demo...?

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

ZenfoldorVGI said:

I won't overhype this despite my other thread. 9.0 was expected by me(though reviews don't mean much). The demo has lived up to my expectations. It'll have a tough road to hoe before it can surpass Fallout 3, or match Gears 2 for me this year, but it could do it. That said, it's a Valve game, and they only make great stuff.

Often, games with an online focus hold a sort of mystery when it comes to reviews. There is an assumption that the game has potential beyond what is available at launch. However, you can't rate games off of potential, because potential, more than any other aspect of a game, has the probability of going unfulfilled.

This is a relatively ambitious game, and one thing I'll be looking for in a AAA title that doesn't ordinarily appear in an online shooter is story and character development(the "crossing the street" trailer gave me hope here).

Good review scores! Personally I hope this passes Fallout 3, after playing Oblivion I was excited for Fallout 3 but after playing it...I'd have to say Bestheda needed a different engine, the Oblivion engine just doesn't cut it for FPS games.


-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

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9.0 from IGN? That's...surprising.

I wonder if that's just a fluke. Based on the totally awesome demo, I thought this would easily outscore Resistance 2 and fight Gears 2 to the death for shooter of the year.

Either way, it will kick serious ass.  :D

CGI-Quality said:
Yep - this game is top notch giving the 360 two high profile top notch games in less than 2 weeks, now that's impressive. Gears 2: 9.5, Left 4 Dead 9.0. Left 4 Dead = day 1 (tomorrow) purchase for me :)


It's been a good 2-3 weeks for both consoles for sure

360 with Fable 2, GoW2, L4D and Fallout 3...and I guess Banjo

PS3 with LBP, R2, Fallout, Valkyria Chronicles and Motorstorm:PR. (The latter of which is still a very good game despite the poor sales)

makingmusic476 said:

9.0 from IGN? That's...surprising.

I wonder if that's just a fluke. Based on the totally awesome demo, I thought this would easily outscore Resistance 2 and fight Gears 2 to the death for shooter of the year.

Either way, it will kick serious ass.  :D

It's pretty obvious the gigantic, hyped-up titles get inflated scores from review sites. 

Nothing against those games really, but does every big game that comes out have to be above 9, or else it's considered bad?

If GeoW2 got a 9, Xbox fans would be going crazy...and I'm sure review sites keep that in mind, as well as advertising money that indirectly pays for good reviews basically.


Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

twesterm said:
Yeah, I really don't see how any game this year can top L4D. Even the heavy hitters from the consoles (MKWii, Geras 2, MGS4) can't touch the awesomeness that is this game.

are u crazy or something

L4D looks bad and plays like OK

MGS4/LBP /GTA 4 are goty contenders

l4D will get 8s from most websites


lwhatee said:
twesterm said:
Yeah, I really don't see how any game this year can top L4D. Even the heavy hitters from the consoles (MKWii, Geras 2, MGS4) can't touch the awesomeness that is this game.

are u crazy or something

L4D looks bad and plays like OK

MGS4/LBP /GTA 4 are goty contenders

l4D will get 8s from most websites


While I don't agree with what you say exactly, I do agree with your general point.

This game might not even be mentioned in GOTY runnings, its a lot like Fable 2, sells well and is an above average game, but not huge (reviews wise and probably sales wise).


As in go buy us some coffee.