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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Tomb Raider: Underworld launches tomorrow!!!

ill rent it...should be fun 5 hours over a weekend.

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I'm playing Legend on my laptop and Anniversary on my Wii so I'll definately pick this one up as well.

Seen two review scores. An 80 from UK Playstation mag and a 70 from Nintendo Power. So manage those expectations but it should be as good as Anniversary anyway.


ANYWAY.the game is really good.Not a AAA game but amazingly well built,the graphics are quite good.much more fluid than the demo,a better lara model.and using thor hammer and killing thrawls is quite amusing,anyway for those who found tomb raider legend and tomb raider anniversary ok you really gonna like the game>>

also dont compare wii/ps2 vresions with ps3/pc/360 versions apart from gameplay and story they have nothing in common the graphics make a huge difference

My local video game store says it ships today and won't be in until tomorrow. What is surprising to me is that the game is STILL not reviewed! It's already out. The demo was really impressive, and I went through Anniversary again last night in preperation for it. Man, I hope this game doesn't dissapoint.

Eh, don't really care to much about Tomb Raider.

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The Official UK Playstation Magazine gave TR:U an 80 and said, "Running around robbing ancient artefacts, desecrating temples and cracking intense puzzles is just as satisfying as ever, and feels like vintage Tomb Raider through and through."

Personally, I would give the demo an 85 to 90.

They need to make a new Tomb Raider movie starring Lucy Pinder.

don't really care

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Played the demo through Steam and enjoyed it well enough (it's Tomb Raider; expect nothing more) to pre-order. Valve threw in a free download of TR Legend which was nice, considering Underworld only costs $40.

It does have some camera angle issues (what TR game doesn't?), and the combat still has some of the same flaws as the last two games, but as TR is more of an explore/platform title than a straight up shooter, it's acceptable.

The environments look fantastic this time around. Lara's dimensions are less cartoonish to go with the more realistic look Eidos seems to be shooting for. She has a ridiculous number of animations this time, which is great.

What more can really be said? It's Tomb Raider; fans will buy it and enjoy it.

I cant wait to pick this up. I keep hearing vintage Tomb Raider which works for me.