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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Square Enix- Fun Developing for the 360

Speaking to during a trip to Tokyo to check out the title, director Hiroshi Takai, whose credits include Legend of Mana, the Romancing SaGa trilogy and PS2 launch title The Bouncer, reinforced the company's commitment to multi-platform development with its high-profile role-playing games, but said that the 360 is an "easy" platform to develop on, and revealed that The Last Remnant team had "quite a lot of fun" with it.

He added: "The 360 is an easy platform to make games for. The dev environment and the dev kit and everything they've released, those were really dev friendly, so it was quite a lot of fun to work on the 360 version from a development point of view."

Its quite a feat to turn a once predominantly playstation exclusive developer into getting them to develop exclusives and timed exclusives. Also to add, they actually enjoyed developing it.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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Especially when they get those nice backhander moneyhatt from M$ /Sarcasm

blazinhead89 said:
Especially when they get those nice backhander moneyhatt from M$ /Sarcasm


Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

Very good move by MS making their dev kits very accessible. Sony should (should've) countered that by sending dev kit-insiders to developers to aid in coding.

Of course Takai is happy, he hasn't directed a game since 2001. He's just happy to be working again.

EDIT:Apparently he was the Battle Director for a Romancing SaGa remake in 2005.

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Well seing a few couples of videos it might be fun to develop TLR for 360, but apparently not fun enough to make a good looking game, with polished textures, descent lighting and without horrendous framerate drops.

Videogirl said:
Well seing a few couples of videos it might be fun to develop TLR for 360, but apparently not fun enough to make a good looking game, with polished textures, descent lighting and without horrendous framerate drops.

I still don't get why they're using the unreal engine... why not use the same they use for FF XIII?


Videogirl said:
Well seing a few couples of videos it might be fun to develop TLR for 360, but apparently not fun enough to make a good looking game, with polished textures, descent lighting and without horrendous framerate drops.

yeah, every preview I see of the game mentions the awful framerate, hopefully those are just in the preview builds and won't be as bad during release.

Although one preview, I think IGN, mentioned that installing the game to the HD didn't help the framerate that much, so it is possible he had a retail copy.


Xen said:

I still don't get why they're using the unreal engine... why not use the same they use for FF XIII?


Because TLR would be released in 2010 in such a case.



We're sure getting a lot of S-E loves M$ propaganda from you today. Keep 'em coming!

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It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler