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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Square Enix Building U.S. Studio - Looking for 360 Developers

Action title? Square is coming full circle...

I'd assume their PS3 staff is already picked out. Why miss out on a shitload potential buyers, while two consoles can have essentailly the same game? that move into the west is in orde rto expand and make money. They can make more money if the PS3 also gets the game... much better than not releasing the game on the PS3 at all.

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This will have very little to do with PS3, they will keep their Japanese studios for that.

I hope they start working on new IP's. Some of their franchises are starting to get tired, or atleast they are to me.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




Square Enix is full of crap nowadays!
if only Squaresoft get ressurrected, ohhhh i miss those days



Currently Playing: Final Fantasy XIII (PS3), White Knight Chronicles (PS3), PES 2010 (PS3), Killzone 2 (PS3)

Games to Finish: Silent hill Homecoming (PS3), Valkyria Chronicles (PS3), Oblivion (PS3)

Sqrl said:
Godot said:
Sqrl said:
blazinhead89 said:
abandoning PS3? Reading too much into the article.


^^ This,  they are simply expanding their business not transforming it.

I don't see anywhere that implies they are shutting down one aspect of their business in order to start another.


Well, maybe the fact that the PS3 is far behind in NA and they are planning to focus that studio on NA.


That would mean that the 360 and Wii stand to gain the most from this particular move, not that the PS3 was going to be abandoned.

If, for example, Taco Bell were to open 10 new locations in Florida, would they then be forced to close all of their locations in California?

Obviously not. That kind of logic makes no sense.  It just means that Florida is going to get 10 new taco bells while California retains the same number they have. 

PS - Note that they are talking about hiring new staff here and not about shifting their existing staff to 360 and Wii projects.


So Florida will have taco bell (360's) but no Burger King (PS3's), I'm not sure if you got the example right.

Maybe you meant the newly built "Taco" factory in Florida will mean fresher "Taco's" for Floridians(people from Florida??), while California's are stuck with "Taco's" shipped across the border.  :)

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


I am a little dismayed that others are surmising that the Cell acquainted staff has already been lined up. These are actually the most difficult of positions to fill. Seeing as so few programmers are conversant in the architecture. While it is true that some middle ware has helped to ease the burden. The reality is that you would still want specialists with the hardware.

This is a interesting development to say the least, and probably shows one thing that certain members of this site dread. Square is moving closer to Microsoft. More to the point they seem to be wholly committed to developing games for the console, and perhaps more titles exclusively. Now if this is the case Sony has lost itself a critical ally. Square will probably not be giving Sony any more exclusive titles.

We have been seeing a progression this entire generation of Square distancing itself from Sony. First came the unhappy comments, then came the exclusives for the 360, then came the rescinding of a Sony exclusive, then we have a console prioritization in Last Remnant. I think most here at least smell the smoke even if they refuse to see the fire. What I want to know is what is next will Sony lose versus as well, or could Microsoft snatch itself up even more exclusives.

This is almost like a veiled message. Square is obviously saying which two consoles are most important for them as a company. The 360 and the Wii.

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Whatever the case, it seems SquareEnix and Capcom are 2 major examples of Japanese gaming companies looking more and more to the West.

That reminds me...I think I read, on this site, some Japanese gaming company was suggesting forming some kind of 'Japanese alliance' in order to try and counter the West´s increasing importance.

Dodece said:
I am a little dismayed that others are surmising that the Cell acquainted staff has already been lined up. These are actually the most difficult of positions to fill. Seeing as so few programmers are conversant in the architecture. While it is true that some middle ware has helped to ease the burden. The reality is that you would still want specialists with the hardware.

This is a interesting development to say the least, and probably shows one thing that certain members of this site dread. Square is moving closer to Microsoft. More to the point they seem to be wholly committed to developing games for the console, and perhaps more titles exclusively. Now if this is the case Sony has lost itself a critical ally. Square will probably not be giving Sony any more exclusive titles.

We have been seeing a progression this entire generation of Square distancing itself from Sony. First came the unhappy comments, then came the exclusives for the 360, then came the rescinding of a Sony exclusive, then we have a console prioritization in Last Remnant. I think most here at least smell the smoke even if they refuse to see the fire. What I want to know is what is next will Sony lose versus as well, or could Microsoft snatch itself up even more exclusives.

This is almost like a veiled message. Square is obviously saying which two consoles are most important for them as a company. The 360 and the Wii.

The Wii? as if..

I find Square not giving enough to Sony kinda rude. After Sony saved their ass from bankruptcy, they do that?

How much control over SE does Sony's 9% give them? enough to block out several decisions...? enough to improve PS3 support? I hope...


Not only is Square Enix bringing a wealth of software to the Xbox 360. But it is finally understanding the market. They will not get any profit if they stay exclusive to a platform that is underperforming against a platform that is surperior in the states, and thats the Xbox 360.

The Wii, well I don't know maybe they know some of their software might not do well considering what the Wii is targeting.

DMeisterJ said:
Reaching much?

Why would you say "SE abandoning the PS3?"

That's called flame-bait gebx.

Didn't you just come back from banning? Have you learned nothing?

He is asking a question. Like if I was to say "You really want to borrow Uncharted???"


Interesting. I'll wait to see where this goes.

"To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for as long you shall be resurrected from death in the church"