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Forums - General Discussion - Obama will rename White House to Black House

Obama Would Rename White House “Black House”

By Jeffrey Nutini • Sep 25th, 2008 • Category: Politics, Top Story

SPRINGFIELD, Illinois — As part of the Illinois senator’s campaign for change, Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Obama announced on Wednesday in front of a crowd of supporters he would rename the White House to the “Black House.”

“In order to break free of the shackles of George W. Bush, we must institute change every step of the way. If elected president, the first thing I will do is rename the White House the Black House,” announced Obama, to roaring applause from the estimated nine thousand gathered to hear him speak.

“George Bush has tainted the great legacy of the most important house in America. We must send a message that America is moving out of the dark ages,” said Obama, with a toothy grin. Obama has not elaborated on whether he would go so far as to repaint the historic house, or simply change its name.

Obama finished his speech by performing the Charleston for the crowd. He then gave high fives, elbow rubs, and hip bumps to campaign supporters.

Fans of Obama mindlessly threw in their support for the decision. “I think it shows perfectly the kind of attitude we need in Washington right now,” said Matt Hermes, a screen door repairman from Eagle River, Wisconsin. “Only Obama has the tenacity to come up with these sort of policy decisions. I mean, come on. The Black House?! Who would’ve thought up something as clever as that besides Obama? Certainly not John McCain. GO PACKERS!”

While some criticized the decision, historians admit that the White House is no stranger to change. In the War of 1812, the British set fire to the White House, forcing it to be rebuilt. Facing grave structural damage during the Truman years, the landmark was again completely overhauled, this time with a steel support structure . During the Kennedy administration it underwent a major restoration headed by first lady Jacqueline Kennedy. The White House was rebuilt a third time after the Xeonc alien attack on Washington D.C. in 1973.

“I just love Barack Obama,” said Sandy Weaver, a grade school driving instructor from Walla Walla, Washington. “Whenever I hear him speak, I completely throw away any sense of objectivity, critical thinking, or free thought. If Barack announced a plan to imprison the Jews in concentration camps tomorrow, I’d be up there supporting it with him, 100%.”

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Imagine if Obama painted the White House - black. Renamed it to "Black House." Now that would be LOL. I assume a future White President would repaint it white and change its name back to White House.
Would a future lady US President paint the White House pink? lol Call it the Pink House?

He should paint it rainbow colours that shimmer in the suns rays and call himself Obama of many colours.

You left out the last line...

You know why the website is called the deadbeat? Because it is making fun of people who are looking for news/fake-news like this. That is why their tag line is "You know who you are."

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

I left the last line out because it was highly offensive.

Around the Network

So was the rest of the article. The last line just eliminated the last doubt of why any one would post it.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

I am offended.

Technically its ironic since slaves built the white house in the first place.


Im not offended since i (reluctantly) appreciate free speech, but i do wish this guy lived in Burma where bloggers get 30 years in prison.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

Quite good. Our Channel 4 news had a headline - "Will it be a black man in the White House?" on election day, which was more racist* than anything I'd heard on American news.

*Not that they were racist; it was just to capture attention by shocking.

You know I was watching CNN today and they had something "What will the Obama's teach America."

I couldn't hear what was being said cause i was at work at the time and they keep the TV pretty queit...

but the little caption was telling nice facts about the Obama family... then out of nowhere after talking about Obama's kids.

"70% of African American Children are born out of Wedlock"

Which was like "What the hell relevance does that have?"