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Forums - Sony Discussion - Irony (PS3 red light of death)

Xen said:
Folding? there you go :P

The red light=HDD failure. Search the web for fixes... also, if they don't work, send in for repair. You get your original console back, I'd assume you want your BC.

One of my coworkers freinds sent in a 60 gig... and got back his original harddrive, only to find out his PS3 suddenly lost all backwords capatability.

Just sayin.

Hope mine doesn't end up like that.


Around the Network

send it in remember backwards compatibility.

I'm seeing the same fix over and over online, which simply entails removing the HDD, starting up, replacing the drive, then starting up again.

No difference whether the drive is inserted or not. No difference with 2 drives, OEM or replacement drive.

The general consensus seems to be "power related problem" which I presume means the internal PSU unit.

Warranty only covers 1 year. I bought it the first week of January 2007 (manufactured Dec 2006).

I hope they don't send me a refurbed non BC unit.

If that were the case, I'd just as soon not send it in for repair, but simply buy a new one and attempt to repair the broken unit myself.

They will send you another 60gb unit shortly after they receive your unit, the refurb will come in a new case with sticky wrap on it.

Around the Network

only do it if you still keep your ps2.

other wise get 60gb repaired.

btw: sony accepts out of warranty but i they will repair yours not give you a new one.

If that's the case... great.

If they send me anything with less than 4 USB ports, card ports and the PS2 BC, I will probably end up calling the service department to ask what the heck happened to all those cool features I paid $600 for back when nobody was buying them.

I still have my old 2000 vintage PS2. It works the same as it did almost 8 years ago.

Sounds like a gamble at this point. I'm hearing everything from "receive a replacement non-BC console with your original drive" to "receive your original console after repair" to "receive refurb 60GB unit as a 1-1 swap."

Dead Console = Tears of Anger and Sorrow...

4 ≈ One

i was lucky i only had to pay for shipping :)