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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - NPD numbers: 360 is their best bet.

Microsoft coming to market early maybe hurt XB360 hardware development, but theres no denying that it helped estabish it's brand to the American comsumer.

...In order for Sony to counter this, like with Sega, they would have had to launch flawlessly. Their price point already put them behind the 8.

...Wii Sports put the Wii on the map and it never looked back. One thing that second chart shows is how important all the core releases for 2009 for The Wii are...

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

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Barozi said:

Jo21 said:
Squilliam said:
Isn't Europe starting to show that for certain genres the 360 is getting equal or greater sales? Obviously Soccer is out but for games like Fallout 3 I believe the 360 leads inspite of a smaller userbase.

generally its ps3 > in europe.

fallout 3 is a exception the difference isn't as huge either way.

Not with shooter:

Cod4 360 > Cod4 PS3

Army of Two 360 > Army of Two PS3

R6 Vegas 2 360 > R6 Vegas 2 PS3

BF Bad Company 360 > BF Bad Company PS3

Dark Sector 360 > Dark Sector PS3

Condemned 2 360 > Condemned 2 PS3


I guess the flip side of this is that this would appear to confirm 360 in Others is seen as for hardcore shooters and not other genres (I'm assuming from your post that you found only shooters on 360 outperform PS3 versions in Others while PS3 version of games from other genres outperform 360).

Explains why MS seems to have gone crazy in UK at least with ads trying to convince me that families sit and play a 360 while having a laugh together.  I'm afraid I don't believe them though.  The only families I can imagine sitting down in front of a 360 are those who thought they'd bought a Wii and are just realising their error.

Still, can't fault them for trying.  Unless they shake off the shooter image MS will never see sales like Wii or PS2 or PS1 IMHO.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Squilliam said:
Isn't Europe starting to show that for certain genres the 360 is getting equal or greater sales? Obviously Soccer is out but for games like Fallout 3 I believe the 360 leads inspite of a smaller userbase.


The ps3 version of fallout 3 got a bad rap thats why. I heard the game freezes when your friends log on to PSN. I have 100 friends so I just had to skip fallout 3.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

fastyxx said:
Pipedream24 said:

I am one of those people who own a PS3 & 360 and I buy all my Multi-platform titles on the 360. I'll buy the exclusives that interest me for the PS3, but I've definitely logged more hours watching Blu-ray movies on it than playing games. I like my PS3. I just prefer xbox live over the PSN network.


Me too, though I also like some of the PSN games and will play those too.  But I pretty much have been using PS3 for exclusives only, and the occasional Blu-Ray.  Part of it is I  have triple the firends list, and more real-world friends, on XBL than PSN, and it's so much more fun and easier to play with them on XBLive.  Half the peeps on my PSN list don't even have headsets yet.

Trust me, you'd prefer anything you paid money for in order to justify it. It's basic human psychology.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

The main probem with this is that it only looks at the top 10 games each month.... A game can easily make spot 11 for months in succession and not be counted at all, yet easily sell more than a game that made spot 1 in one month then dissapeared the following months.

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here is the hole in this, most developers are using the PS3 as the main dev platform now for multiplatform games. They are also learning that releasing a game a year later is a bad idea. Does not matter if its 360 to PS3 or PS3 to 360 the games still do not sell even half as much as they would.

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Pipedream24 said:

I am one of those people who own a PS3 & 360 and I buy all my Multi-platform titles on the 360.  I'll buy the exclusives that interest me for the PS3, but I've definitely logged more hours watching Blu-ray movies on it than playing games.   I like my PS3.  I just prefer xbox live over the PSN network.

This sums up how I feel about my PS3. I wanted one with full BC and I use that and the Blu Ray some - but maybe like once a week or once every weeks and I'll fire up the PS3. I haven't gamed on it in a while - but will soon because I have some games to review on it.

For me, I have had much more facetime with the 360 and enjoy the games, the achievements, the online aspect and the ability to chat with my homies on MSN as well. I am not impressed with PSN and like LIVE. I am actually trying to snag an online adapter so I can go online from my bedroom.

Plus, with Blu Ray not exactly setting records or making its way into living rooms, I don't really see the PS3 gaining a lot of ground for a while - especially with the holidays upon us. All you have to do is look at Gamestop or Best Buy and see how many games are $19 and under. It's unreal. And folks are hit hard by the economic crisis and don't really see a need to buy an expensive future-proof console at the moment.

Will I sell my PS3? No - it has potential - but it has to give me a reason to fire it up more.


I think recession will have a major impact on PS3. Who would have guessed the economic turmoil? except for few economists that is.

If the economy was good, PS3 will be doing much better. Especially because of Blu-Ray.

Oh, my... Yes, let's all take the worst territory the PS3 is doing in (N.A.) and preach this rhetorical doom and gloom to the entire world of software sales. And added to that with being released a year later than the 360, doubling as a quality Blu-ray player, and being the most expensive console on the market; a 2:1 ratio 360:PS3 software sold according to this site is good worldwide however you see it with the PS3 about 75% of the 360's marketshare. That's the big picture with 3rd party developers still heavly supporting the PS3.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

Well, it was all doom and gloom for the 360 until about 3/4 months ago.