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Forums - Sales Discussion - First Wii Game to 10m Sales (Minus "Wii" titles)

Excluding titles with Wii in it to make it interesting as wii fit and mario kart wii will make it in 1 week and ~3 weeks respectfully.

Brawl is at 7.29 and Galaxy is 7.26m will these make it? eventually but not for a long while ~2010 maybe is there anything on the horizon that can sell this much software without wii in the title? will any game sell 10m for the Wii without Wii in the title?


Ps dont flame me as this is not an attack. literally wii fit would be the winner as it has not been permantly bundled and Mario Kart as well as it is not a "Wii" franchise. but then this would be a pointless thread.

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it's a "nintendo" game still.
one of their best.

well obviously we're ignoring 4 games that are or are going to be 10 million then wii sports resort that'll make it too. so it's strange to say "first wii game to 10m sales."

If we play with your rules though i guess guess mario galaxy has an ok chance since it will sell for a long time on a quickly expanding userbase and there probably won't be another traditional 3d mario platformer on wii.
Animal Crossing has a chance but it's got to sell more like the DS version than the GC version.
I don't really see any sure shot 10 million games on the radar though but i'm sure a few will arise in the next few years.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

the 5th Wii game to hit 10 million will be either Animal Crossing, or Wii Sports Resort. Maybe Brawl with an outside chance, galaxy has no chance, as it is behind Brawl and getting further behind each week

Brawl will get to 10 million faster than SMG will

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I'd have to go with Brawl too, but Animal Crossing will also pass 10m I expect. Wii Sports Resort too but that's a Wii title. SMG eventually. Unless they announce Nintendogs or a Pokemon MMO for Wii there's nothing else announced or that I can think of that would be a contender for 10m.


I believe brawl will make it,though I'm unsure if galaxy will.

Zelda released in Nov/Dec 2010 will be on a console with installed base of 95 million units ww. Sales 12 million

Im going with the underdog here and picking galaxy

Well I need to see how Brawl will do in it's first holiday season and then Galaxy in it's first that wasn't close to release. If they are able to come out of this year with over 8 million in sales then it's pretty obvious they would go deca platinum. For the next 40 weeks they'd sell at least 20,000 which accounts to another 800,000 in sales in the year. And then 40,000 a week for 8 of those remaining 12 weeks which stacks up another 320,000. And then finally 4 weeks of 80,000 which accounts for another 320,000. Anyways by the end of 2009 they would be at sales 9.4 million to sell 600,000 remaining in 2010.

Of course if legs dwindle away then this won't happen but it's Mario and Super Smash Bros so I don't think we'd have to worry about that too much.