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The J man truly believes that ME2 (if not tampered with by EA) will be a 9.6-10 range game and be the second highest rated game this gen.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

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Let's hope the 1st was amazing (IMO)!

Ditto. ^^

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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It'd better be ! Bioware already said it would be a masterpiece of RPG as was Baldur's Gate 2 ! Plese Bioware, give me some decent secondary quests. ME's universe is great, gameplay too and graphics are fine, but the level design of the secondary missions was really disappointing

yog-sothot said:
It'd better be ! Bioware already said it would be a masterpiece of RPG as was Baldur's Gate 2 ! Plese Bioware, give me some decent secondary quests. ME's universe is great, gameplay too and graphics are fine, but the level design of the secondary missions was really disappointing


 Yea seriously ME had the best story telling this gen. Gameplay was alright but it was the cutscenes that kept you playing the game. True the side quests were weak and the levels were exactly the same but the dlc more than made up for it.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

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I hope you are right.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I think Bioware should spend another year on it to iron everything out. Seriously, the loading and framerate were the only problems in Mass Effect 1. Oh, and the recycled interiors..

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All I need is Alan Wake and Mass Effect 2 and 09 with be the best year EVAR

I hope there are more vehicles(air craft, submarine, etc. ), after riding around in the Mako in ME 1 i don't know if i can do it again in ME2. Also more variety in the planets you visit.I was thinking low gravity plants, all water planets and heavy forest planet.


If it is only half the game that ME was it will still be outstanding, and better than the majority of the games released so far this gen.