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Forums - General Discussion - 2,000 posts. Party time!!!!

OK, my LOLcat abstinence has come to an end, I shall posts LOLcats from now on


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Just did. Thanks, skeezer.

HaHa. NOw, you´re talking, Mr. Lowe! :D

NOw, I just need some cake.

I still don't get why people get so happy about reaching these milestones....

It´s a ritual of passage for gaming geeks :D

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marciosmg said:
It´s a ritual of passage for gaming geeks :D

I managed to avoid it when I got to 5,000, though I may get slight excited when I finally get to 10,000 and officially become a god!

Well, being God must be pretty good :D

marciosmg said:
Well, being God must be pretty good :D

I hope it's not like Jim Carrey in Bruce Almighty


Lol, so true. I didn´t see the one with Steve Carell. Is it any good?

Haven't seen it, but I doubt it