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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Wii could sell for over 15 years.

@atma998: Just give it up.

Your argment looks terrible considering you're sided with the Wii. Most of the best selling games are mini game compilations. The games the Wii owners here play are not the Carnival Games, Mario & Sonic, and Game Party type, so it's unfair to apply that logic on PS360 owners.

As for Wii lasting 15 years, it's possible. It wouldn't be relevant for 15 years, but I can see it still being produced in small numbers.

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For Suda51 games NMH sales are good, take a look at killer7 sales. And btw, you know, sales don't depend solely on good\bad reviews. How would you like if I remind you that BioShock (which was one of the best games of 2007 according to reviews) sells poorly on PS3. I'm just using your logic, no insult.

RolStoppable said:
Million said:
@Jammy dodge

You also have to take into consideration that the Wii has a new demographic , we are in a very different market from 2001 .

The Wii will not have a lifespan of 15 years .

So it's going to be longer because the Wii brings more people into gaming?


Because the Wii has established a new demographic everyone assumes that Nintendo will be the only company capable of truly capturing 'em ( that has been true up until now) . But because of this new twist in gaming it's difficult to predict what it's future will be : it certainly won't be 99% of developers/console manufacturers fighting for the much smaller traditional gamer demographic , there will be newer tougher competition Sony will step up their game , Apple , EA , MS etc.

Many are using this generation as a learning process , many aren't and are suffering for it. What's not sure is how the big gaming companies are going to respond , what is certain is that they will and when they do Nintendo won't have it so easy.

I look like I don't know what i'm talking about but then so did Wii supporters in the PS2 era.



That's 1993, right? In 1994 PS1 was released, DS has graphics comparable to PS1. Just saying ;)

Zeethr said:

simply ludacris to think that a console could live 15 yrs.  Wii isnt even the best looking out there so why would it be a contender when Sony and Microsoft showcase and launch new hardware?  despite its sales figures, wii is the worst of the big 3.   i for one am tired of upgraded staples such as Mario, MK, Mario Golf.  Honestly Wii is staying in Elementary while Sony and Microsoft go to College.   ha. 

Well I certainly enjoyed Primary school (4-11 y/o... which I presume = elementary) more so than college.... I also spent a much longer time at Primary school than in college (7 years versus 2 years) so I guess I will be enjoying my Wii more, and for over 3 times as long as I would with another console.


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Next Nintendo console in 2016? No way, dude. That's far too long.

This all depends on where we are at 2-3 years from now. If the economy is back on track and HDTVs become the standard, I'd bet we'll see a new Wii in 2012. By that time, a BR drive will be cheap, as will more powerful CPUs.

My guess would be in 2012 we've got a new Wii, with BR and HD, that is slightly more powerful than the PS3/360 and priced at $250.

I think Wii could last 15 years, or at least a long time, look at PS2. But I do believe the next home console from Nintendo will come in 2,5-6 years time.

15 years? Not even Wii. Perhaps 10 years, the last 4 almost only in Others. Look at PS2 - lasting for 8 years now, sales still strong.






Well, it really depends on what you define "Selling for over 15 years" to mean ...

I expect that Nintendo will look to release their next generation of hardware in 2011 or 2012 in the western world, and the Wii will slow down in sales from there (with measureable sales until 2015/2016). At the same time, the Wii hasn't (really) been launched in China or India and it is possible that Nintendo could sell the Wii there for quite a while, and only replace it with their next generation of console in 2016/2017 (with measureable sales until 2019/2020).

For most people this would mean that the Wii had a 7/8 year (because that is how long it was the most important console on the market for), but it could still be selling somewhere in the world 15 years after it was released,