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Forums - General Discussion - An honest question for the fellas

So, I have auqestion, for the fellas who HAVE been tested for STDs, etc.

What;s the general process? A scare has arisen and might require me to go out and get tested. Never done it before, despite me being an "old man" according to DMeisterJ. ;)


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If you live in a decent sized city, you can go to any number of places and get a 15 minute HIV test done for free. Basically, you sit down and they prick your finger. You go into a room and receive some counseling.. Stuff like.. Do you think you're positive? What risk factors do you have? A run down of safer vs unsafe sex practices etc. and then they will give you the results right there.

Its actually a lot easier than getting a gonorrhea test because they stick a q-tip up your urethra and that sounds all kinds of unpleasant.

ha, fortunately not that serious. the girl Ive been dating apparently has chlomidia, acquired from an ex months ago. Me being captain courageous went in last weekend, raw dog. I have no symptoms yet, but I'll need to get checked. I hear its a piss test. Any confirmation or knowledge otherwise?

Why limit yourself to one test? You should go get tested for everything ever. STDs hang out in groups. It's free, and you're better off actually knowing you're clean instead of assuming you're clean and spreading anything, or catching what you got early before it gets worse. You'll learn about a bunch of STDs you didn't know about, and learn how to be safer. Because right now, you're at high risk, "captain chlamydia."

^^^ haha mostly because I dont want ANYTHING going up my pisshole. F that. LOL learn to be safer... when the chick tells you shes clean and been tested, what do you do? Ask for papers?

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1) Having something go up your pisser for just a second is a lot better than having stuff grow out of your pisser for the rest of your life.

2) Yes. Don't trust girls. Use condoms until you're serious enough to get tested together. If you're not serious enough to get tested together, and you're just hunting some tang, use condoms every single time or you deserve what you get. Nobody's forcing an STD on you. If you get all courageous and go in raw dog, that's like playing Russian Roulette with your dick.

wise words Ru. i have nothing to refutethere

bardicverse said:
^^^ haha mostly because I dont want ANYTHING going up my pisshole. F that. LOL learn to be safer... when the chick tells you shes clean and been tested, what do you do? Ask for papers?




It's a pee test for the guys but you should hold it for a few hours before going to see the doctor, otherwise the results can be less reliable.

^^^ cool. good info man. Thanks!