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Forums - Sony Discussion - The PS3 marketing has been total crap.

web surfers must be very "experienced" then

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I am going to post something I just posted a minute ago.

because I've written it about a dozen times now, and you are purposely mis-writing it.
You can experience a commercial by watching it, but you cannot always experience marketing by watching it."

you are writing experience a commercial, and this whole time I've been saying experience marketing, and this is the third time you've mis-written it.

the fact that you refuse to answer the question proves me right.

I honestly don't know what point you're trying to make anymore, that's how tangled up you've got in it.

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Username: "Do people go around saying "I experienced a cool commercial last night" or "I saw a cool commercial last night"? "I experience a cool billboard on the highway" or "I saw a cool billboard on the highway"? "I experienced a funny ad on the radio" or "I heard a funny ad on the radio"?

Like I said, you are OVER ANALYZING this whole thing. People WATCH commercials, it's as simple as that. Comparing a commercial to sex is going too far and I am inclined to believe you have some issues you need to overcome if you believe that's a proper comparison.

Obviously you think marketing is this majestic, special, romantic thing. It's not, it's taking the finer points of your product and exposing them to the public. That's it. That's all."

don't delete your posts in the middle of a debate.

You obviously know where you stand right now

you are only confused because you have refused to listen or read. It is not my fault

theprof00 said:
Username: "Do people go around saying "I experienced a cool commercial last night" or "I saw a cool commercial last night"? "I experience a cool billboard on the highway" or "I saw a cool billboard on the highway"? "I experienced a funny ad on the radio" or "I heard a funny ad on the radio"?

Like I said, you are OVER ANALYZING this whole thing. People WATCH commercials, it's as simple as that. Comparing a commercial to sex is going too far and I am inclined to believe you have some issues you need to overcome if you believe that's a proper comparison.

Obviously you think marketing is this majestic, special, romantic thing. It's not, it's taking the finer points of your product and exposing them to the public. That's it. That's all."

don't delete your posts in the middle of a debate.

You obviously know where you stand right now

Oh dear god.... So after I respond to your post, and realize that you have completely rewritten it, I am not allowed to go back and delete my response to a post that changed?

Just tell me what point you're trying to make... Somehow you think watching a commercial on the internet renders it invalid, that's what started this whole thing didn't it?

You're damn right I am confused, you keep changing all your posts after I try to respond to them.


HAHAHA completely re-written it!
I added some facts about how science work nothing more.

Yes, watching a commercial in a setting other than where it was meant to be takes away from both marketing effectiveness and likability. There are numerous case studies showing this, and there are even tests that show that exposure to almost anything online has about 10% of the effectiveness as opposed to other venues.

Why do you think banners flash the fuck out of your eyeballs and scream at you "Heeeeelllooooooo" fucking stupid smiley faces.... Online we are almost conditioned not to accept anything that we perceive to be an ad, but really this is off topic.

The main point is this:
You can say you think the music is shitty, you cansay that you think the people were dumb or the camera angle was bad, or the game they showed was a bad indicative of the system. But from watching experiencing something in an evironment that is so different from the intended media, it takes a lot away from the overall "experience".

FTR: I think, I am not positive but you pulled that post because you read this

"I am going to post something I just posted a minute ago.

because I've written it about a dozen times now, and you are purposely mis-writing it.
You can experience a commercial by watching it, but you cannot always experience marketing by watching it."

you are writing experience a commercial, and this whole time I've been saying experience marketing, and this is the third time you've mis-written it."

I could be wrong, but that's how it looks to me.