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Forums - Sales Discussion - Best selling game of 2008 in the US is out!

Arthas was a hero in WC3, sure, but by the time the credits rolled in The Frozen Throne he was more comparable to one of the Eredar chieftains, which meant he could basically raze the entire planet without being properly opposed.

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Ail said:
routsounmanman said:
Who cares anyway? Warhammer is all the rage these days


Not really.

1 millions < 11 millions...

Some 5 years >>>>>> 2 months


I predict WOTLK will beat out Halo 3 in terms of day one sales. It might beat it's entire first week even at rate, but I'm not as confident about that.

This is what I want to see from the next expansion. Make Scourage a faction, witht heir own classes. Then get some serious RvR going by making Alliance and Horde get together. PHAT LEWT would drop off of leaders in some types of instances, joinable by both factino of course. That would make WoW really great.


P.S. Alliance >>> Turkey >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Horde\




Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


Hippysnake said:



I play videogames at most for about 3 hours a week, if that's your idea of gamer nerd, then so be it. I'm a gamer nerd. What's really sad though, is 28 year old men spending the vast majority of their free time on this piece of crap. Social experience!? Hah! A social experience is going out on a Saturday night, getting drunk and waking up the next morning with a pair of 32DDs in your face. This is just a sad waste of time.


Actually,I call that trying to get herpes.

And not everyone that plays WoW or is excited about the expansion pack is some fat nerd who downs Mountain Dew by the gallon and spends 16 hours a day playing.  I generally don't spend longer than 2-3 hours a time playing the game because I have other things to do.  Life, wife, work, whatever. 

Stop being so critical, you're arguing on a video game forum for Christ's sake.


People will buy a lot of them but it won't outsell Mario Kart Wii or Wii Fit!


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