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Forums - Sales Discussion - Wii SW sales in Japan for 2008.

donathos said:
Not being an expert in Japan (or anything, really), I can only guess. But it seems to me that the Japanese have very particular cultural tastes. (Or maybe it just seems particular to me, because it's different from what I'm used to.)

It seems there may have been a change there, and maybe Nintendo sensed it, which is why they developed the new wave of Touch Generation/Wii titles that they have. Those titles appear to do well, generally (though the jury's still out on Music).

I don't know if the problem is Nintendo, or the Wii... maybe the problem is that third parties haven't yet caught up to the culture shift in Japan. And they don't really have to, because the rest of the world still buys up their games.

If Wii sales were down, and PS3 and 360 sales were up, I'd agree that Wii wasn't doing something right. But since all three are down, I'm guessing that the "problem" isn't Wii's alone, but something more general about the marketplace there.



The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

Around the Network

trestres u have a serious obsession with wii in japan. yeah its not doing too great and i relilised it but there are several problems with your agument

1. you complain that first party isnt selling any more, then admit that AC will be huge. but this isnt a good thing its a bad thing as it ruins the first party:third party ratio.

2. Capcom have said that Monster Hunter tri is coming to japan early next year. as you said wii sports resort is another HUGE game. But since when did HUGE games be the only ones that matter?. weve already seen that for Q1 alone wii is getting some ver nice games like punch-out, sin & punishment 2 and fragile. and thats not including any of the marvellous games.

3. all consoles are down in japan, wii has sold more software than competitors, its not exactly selling bad

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


Oyvoyvoyv said:

Let's compare. Wii vs Ps2, 102 weeks after launch, Japan only.

Ps2 hardware - 7.9M

Wii hardware - 7M


Ps2 software - 25.7M

Wii software - 24.6M


1st party Ps2 software - 3197K 3.2M

1st party software for Wii - 16173K - 16.2M


3rd party software Ps2 - 22.5M

3rd party software Wii - 8.4M


Ratios -

3rd party

Ps2 - 3 games pr console

Wii - 1.2 games pr console


1st party

Ps2 - 0.4 games pr console

Wii - 2.5 games pr console


Wii is doing decent. Slightly behind in hardware, which is explainable due to 1 less christmas (1st was incredibly supply constrained, and would have sold the same anyway), and has equal software despite of it.

I added the ratios just because people seem to find them interesting, whereas I don't really need them.


Oyvoyvoyv, you are so full of statistical win.

Would it be too much of a bother for you to do a short analysis of the last 10 weeks or so, compared to the comparable weeks last year for the Wii and the 360? (since you're obviously so much better than me at doing such things)

EDIT: Trestres, what you're saying in your post is maybe not completely wrong, but you have to have somethin to compare it against. It's easy to be doom and gloom saying that it sold only so and so much, but if you're not actually comparing it to anything, you're cheating.

This is invisible text!

senortaco said:
trestres said:
@senortaco: Which of those games do you see being a big hit like Wii Sports Resort or Animal Crossing?

I honestly doubt any of those games will sell more than what the average 1st party game sells.


So in order for a game to be decent it has to register Wii sports, or Gow2(us sales) figures? You don't see the Tansunko -v- Capcom selling at all? Taiko Drum Master either? Sonic Unleashed?

...The problem I see here is an issue of the quality of the the 3rd party games SO FAR, PLUS the PS2 still being a viable option in Japan.

I still want your opinion on what Current gen system you feel could fill that void? Sony? Microsoft? Right now the Wii for has the most japanese centric games upcoming. Thats what I wanted to show you with that list.


Whoever said that those games weren't decent? I said they won't sell even close to the average selling 1st party game there. I never talked about quality.

My opinion is that PS3 could be that machine, considering its 3rd party SW lineup, but price is preventing it. As for Wii having the majority of Japanese oriented games, that is true, but almost none of those games are relevant in Japan. PS3 and 360 have way more important games in their upcoming lineups.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

@woopah: I complain about 1st party games, because outside MKWii and SSBB, which both sold 1.8 million each, every other 1st party game has sold poor in comparison. Also not even the best selling 3rd party in 2008 was able to sell even close to what the average 1st party game has sold in 2008.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

Around the Network

@Tres new games will come just be patient man!! I like you and all but the threads you make about Nintendo not releasing games makes me want to slap you hard yaw!!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Killergran said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:

Let's compare. Wii vs Ps2, 102 weeks after launch, Japan only.

Ps2 hardware - 7.9M

Wii hardware - 7M


Ps2 software - 25.7M

Wii software - 24.6M


1st party Ps2 software - 3197K 3.2M

1st party software for Wii - 16173K - 16.2M


3rd party software Ps2 - 22.5M

3rd party software Wii - 8.4M


Ratios -

3rd party

Ps2 - 3 games pr console

Wii - 1.2 games pr console


1st party

Ps2 - 0.4 games pr console

Wii - 2.5 games pr console


Wii is doing decent. Slightly behind in hardware, which is explainable due to 1 less christmas (1st was incredibly supply constrained, and would have sold the same anyway), and has equal software despite of it.

I added the ratios just because people seem to find them interesting, whereas I don't really need them.


Oyvoyvoyv, you are so full of statistical win.

Would it be too much of a bother for you to do a short analysis of the last 10 weeks or so, compared to the comparable weeks last year for the Wii and the 360?




10 last weeks? You got it.


Wii - Start of september 08 to week ending 8th November 08 vs start of september 07 till week ending 10th November

Hardware sold

08 -  234K

07 -  256K


Software -

08 - 963K

07 -  1093K


Ps3 - same time



08 - 107K

07 - 166K



08 -  483K

07 -  502K




08 -  101K

07 - 51K



08 - 287K

07 - 284K


So overall, I see it like this.


Wii - no change. Has had little games comming out, but with Animal Crossing, end of the year should be dead on equal for last quarter as in 07. Slight increase on SW maybe, but no more than what should happen, as bigger install base should buy more games.

Ps3 - lost a lot on hardware, no change on software. Has had a lot of good games comming out, so I expect this one to end dead on even on SW, but a steep drop on HW. Overall, pretty dang bad.

X360 - gained a lot on HW, but no change on SW. Makes no sense to me, but it appears that people simply haven't been buying a lot of games this year. Anyway, one of the best upswings in Japan in the recent years, almost rivaling what PsP has done. Still, software not a lot up, and it should have gone up even without HW increase.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Please wait several more months before declaring life-long trends specifically for Wii.

I have this vision of a mother hyperventilating as if her child is lost, "OMG... the Wii is in trouble, what am I going to do?"

We're not there. I wish doom and gloom wasn't such a huge aspect of this industries' commentary.


EDIT: Oyvoyvoy, great numbers and great analysis.

senortaco said:
trestres said:
@senortaco: Which of those games do you see being a big hit like Wii Sports Resort or Animal Crossing?

I honestly doubt any of those games will sell more than what the average 1st party game sells.


So in order for a game to be decent it has to register Wii sports, or Gow2(us sales) figures? You don't see the Tansunko -v- Capcom selling at all? Taiko Drum Master either? Sonic Unleashed?

...The problem I see here is an issue of the quality of the the 3rd party games SO FAR, PLUS the PS2 still being a viable option in Japan.

I still want your opinion on what Current gen system you feel could fill that void? Sony? Microsoft? Right now the Wii for has the most japanese centric games upcoming. Thats what I wanted to show you with that list.

Wait, you actually expect a fighting game that isn't apart of the main big three (Tekken, SC, and SF). Tansunko vs. Capcom will sell terribly. Fighting games sales are in a huge decline.


And he wasn't talking about quality either.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

trestres said:
@woopah: I complain about 1st party games, because outside MKWii and SSBB, which both sold 1.8 million each, every other 1st party game has sold poor in comparison. Also not even the best selling 3rd party in 2008 was able to sell even close to what the average 1st party game has sold in 2008.


 Best selling games on Ps2 2 years into gen

 FFX - 2481K

GT3 - 1835K

Onimusha 1056K


No other above 1M, 5 above 500K


Wii 2 years into gen

Wii Sports - 3265K

Wii Fit - 2749K

Wii Play - 2557K

Brawl - 1779K

MKWii - 1795K

MP8 - 1331K


6 more above 500K


You have no reason to worry.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS