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Forums - PC Discussion - First WOW player reached level 80 in only 27 hours!

Does this guy need an interview or an intervention?

Seriously =P I love MMOs and they are pretty addictive but at some point you need to seek professional help for that addiction...I think this qualifies.

To Each Man, Responsibility
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"I'm 21 and unemployed"

I bet.

@Xen: The guy said he was employed and took time off work to do that.
If he has fun with it, and it doesn't get in the way of his job, why shouldn't he do that? You guys judge too much

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Johann said:
@Xen: The guy said he was employed and took time off work to do that.
If he has fun with it, and it doesn't get in the way of his job, why shouldn't he do that? You guys judge too much


Hey don't judge me for judging others!  You judge too much

Nah seriously though, my point is more that the guy doesn't deserved to be interviewed for spending 27 hours PL'ing an MMO character...thats pretty ridiculous no matter how you slice it.

To Each Man, Responsibility
vlad321 said:
Actually false. Athene hit 79 and som change in 12 or so hours, then he got banned due to exploiting. That is he tagged mobs and others killed them VERY fast while they were not in the group. A GM before the one that banned him said that was fine, so there is some serious drama going on ight now.


Uh wtf?ISnt that what the kid did who got the 70 the fastest in TBC?

Around the Network

With a huge box of hot pockets anythings possible. I used to play wow but i quit at lvl 30 =/

Crazy!! I love the game, and have been playing for a while. I usually get in a few hours when time permits, but I am definitely in no rush to hit 80 (currently 72). What boggles my mind is the healer who did the power leveling with him for the 27 hours and received no XP. Now that is insane, and a

27 hours straigh is nothing, still, 27 hours doing exactly the same thing just to br the first one is insane :P

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