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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Edge Issue 196 Reviews

kowenicki said:
I usually agree with Edge.. but I cant see 6/10 for COD WaW, I just cant. It is every bit as good as COD4, its the same frickin engine, better graphics, improved multiplayer, co-op and better single player... how can it be so much lower in the scoring? Makes no sense.

Kowenicki, I would have to disagree with you here. In my opinion, Call of Duty: World at War is worse than Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in every way (I don't play multiplayer shooters, so I wouldn't know about that part).

It tries to build up a game very similar to COD4, but it doesn't succeed to emulate the quality. In COD4, the first thing you saw was a first person execution. That really caught my attention. There's no story or gameplay element at all in World at War that has as strong impact as that scene, and Modern Warfare had more of the same quality. The supposedly dramatic scenes in World at War feel like thrown in solely for dramatic effect, and are all over very, very quickly. The weapons were more fun in Modern Warfare, and the setting was less familiar and more fun. Also, the singleplayer campaign in MW had a good structure, and you could often see why you were doing this mission, and how it connected to the last one. In WaW you are thrown around with no semblence of structure, only fighting one battle after another.

Yes, the engine is the same. I would still call MW the more beautiful of the two games though. It just looks better to me. World at War simply does not have the same feel of quality work as Modern Warfare does.

Add to this the fact that I didn't even enjoy Modern Warfare all that much, and you might come to the conclusion I think that the 6/10 might even be too high. And you would be right. Myself, I'd give it a 4/10, possibly a 5/10. The only time I really enjoyed myself was when the germans actually retreated, and I got to shoot them in the back.

I am really interested in reading why they gave Mirror's edge a 5/10. I thought it was the most innovative and esthetic game I've played on PS360.  I would give the game an 8/10, and I plan on buying it for PC when it is released.

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Hmm, i guess shuanwhite's showboarding is better than Resistance 2. Seriously... they're being overly harsh to make an attempt to stand out from other reviewers. I'd like to see the reasoning behind a 6 for R2 and 7 for Fallout, it better be good.

Acevil said:
shio said:
Acevil said:

First thing first, Edge has a score of 1-10 with 5 being average not 7.5. Most site use 7.5 as average. Which is why the video game rating system fails.

Second thing I can not speak for resistance 2 but I can understand why they gave Fallout 3 7. They tend to be picky on glitches and tech mumbo jumbo and fallout 3 does have problems. It isn't as polished as it should be.

This is only site I respect because they review games how they feel like it, not how you guys want it.

Exactly, EDGE is the most respectable videogaming magazine in the world, and they do not cater to publishers nor give fanservice.

I don't agree with many of EDGE's scores, but I atleast recognize them as the ones with the balls to actually use the full 1-10 scale.


I respect them for that fact a lot. I really wish I could buy it, but it is a UK only. I could order it, and I will one day.

I don't know if Barnes & Noble is in Canada but I know they carry EDGE.  I buy issues from them from time to time.  They are one of the only gaming mags I read nowadays.  Most of the ones I liked as a kid (EGM, Gamepro) have turned into garbage.  The only downside is they are kind of pricey, usually about $10+ US an issue.


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My problem with this is Edge game Fable 2 a 9/10.

Now, I understand awarding innovation....but if you're reviewing "harshly" and giving Fable 2 a 9/10, then you are also reviewing ignorantly.

I loved Fable 2, but honestly, I don't think it's a AAA game, lol. I'm not a harsh critic. I'm not. I'm actually pretty much a fanboy critic. The clunky menus, short length, and a few other things would make me give the game a 8.9/10, because I just think that, while fantastic, the game could definitely have been a lot better.

Now, they give Fallout 3 a 7/10. Wow. I mean, I really think there is a line where things change from very valid opinion, to fact, and I think that the opinion that Fallout 3 is at least better than Fable 2, is teetering on that line of opinion and fact. Much less....significantly worse, as this review seems to indicate.

So, my issue here isn't harsh reviewing. It's consistency. It seems this magazine has different reviewers who don't exactly agree on their review scale.

In this issue, it seems the scale has been dialed down by about 2 points from the most recent issues.

Eurogamer, Edge's sister site, which usually agrees with their reviews, Gave both Fable 2 and Fallout 3 the same score. 100/100.

So, wtf happened this month.

It's not that everything is under-rated, but a few games definitely are, even by their usual scale. How the hell did they come up with these scores.

...Fallout 3 is not a 7/10, on any review scale. It makes me wonder why. Was it technical issues on the PC or PS3? WTF could have possibly led to that decision.

Not only is it the lowest review the game has ever gotten, but Fable 2....a worse game, which keeping in mind this is being said by a known "360 fanboy," got a 9/10!?

If either game had gotten an 8/10, then I could live with it, but as it stands, those reviews are just ridiculous.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:

My problem with this is Edge game Fable 2 a 9/10.

Now, I understand awarding innovation....but if you're reviewing "harshly" and giving Fable 2 a 9/10, then you are also reviewing ignorantly.

I loved Fable 2, but honestly, I don't think it's a AAA game, lol. I'm not a harsh critic. I'm not. I'm actually pretty much a fanboy critic. The clunky menus, short length, and a few other things would make me give the game a 8.9/10, because I just think that, while fantastic, the game could definitely have been a lot better.

Now, they give Fallout 3 a 7/10. Wow. I mean, I really think there is a line where things change from very valid opinion, to fact, and I think that the opinion that Fallout 3 is at least better than Fable 2, is teetering on that line of opinion and fact. Much less....significantly worse, as this review seems to indicate.

So, my issue here isn't harsh reviewing. It's consistency. It seems this magazine has different reviewers who don't exactly agree on their review scale.

In this issue, it seems the scale has been dialed down by about 2 points from the most recent issues.

Eurogamer, Edge's sister site, which usually agrees with their reviews, Gave both Fable 2 and Fallout 3 the same score. 100/100.

So, wtf happened this month.

It's not that everything is under-rated, but a few games definitely are, even by their usual scale. How the hell did they come up with these scores.

...Fallout 3 is not a 7/10, on any review scale. It makes me wonder why. Was it technical issues on the PC or PS3? WTF could have possibly led to that decision.

Not only is it the lowest review the game has ever gotten, but Fable 2....a worse game, which keeping in mind this is being said by a known "360 fanboy," got a 9/10!?

If either game had gotten an 8/10, then I could live with it, but as it stands, those reviews are just ridiculous.

Agreed,I dislike the weapon system,I dislike the small amount of clothing they have in game,i Dislike alolt about the game,to me its an AA game not AAA

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ZenfoldorVGI said:

My problem with this is Edge game Fable 2 a 9/10.

Now, I understand awarding innovation....but if you're reviewing "harshly" and giving Fable 2 a 9/10, then you are also reviewing ignorantly.

I loved Fable 2, but honestly, I don't think it's a AAA game, lol. I'm not a harsh critic. I'm not. I'm actually pretty much a fanboy critic. The clunky menus, short length, and a few other things would make me give the game a 8.9/10, because I just think that, while fantastic, the game could definitely have been a lot better.

Now, they give Fallout 3 a 7/10. Wow. I mean, I really think there is a line where things change from very valid opinion, to fact, and I think that the opinion that Fallout 3 is at least better than Fable 2, is teetering on that line of opinion and fact. Much less....significantly worse, as this review seems to indicate.

So, my issue here isn't harsh reviewing. It's consistency. It seems this magazine has different reviewers who don't exactly agree on their review scale.

In this issue, it seems the scale has been dialed down by about 2 points from the most recent issues.

Eurogamer, Edge's sister site, which usually agrees with their reviews, Gave both Fable 2 and Fallout 3 the same score. 100/100.

So, wtf happened this month.

It's not that everything is under-rated, but a few games definitely are, even by their usual scale. How the hell did they come up with these scores.

...Fallout 3 is not a 7/10, on any review scale. It makes me wonder why. Was it technical issues on the PC or PS3? WTF could have possibly led to that decision.

Not only is is the lowest review the game has ever gotten, but Fable 2....a worse game, which keeping in mind this is being said by a known "360 fanboy," got a 9/10!?

If either game had gotten an 8/10, then I could live with it, but as it stands, those reviews are just ridiculous.


That's what i have problem with their megazine. How fable 2 could be that much superior to the fallout3, when most websites say otherwise. I say it's their taste of games they like. Also, why almost always the games, that are being made in europe are being scored higher than games that are being made in u.s.

I completely agree with you about the complaining of review scores. It must stop. Low scores overall are good, not bad. The game doesn't get worse if it gets bad scores, believe me.

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Bodhesatva said:

You people are what's wrong with the review industry.

These reviews are too harsh? They gave out one 3, and nothing else below a 5! Apparently all games are average or better!

If you're ever wondering why video game reviews aren't taken seriously, here's one more example to explain why. You wonder why they give virtually everything 9s and 10s? Because you all bitch and moan when they don't. My god, I'd hate to see what would happen if they handed out 1s and 2s.

The problem with the review industry is, at least to an extent, the review industry itself; but equally to blame are some of the people in this thread. You are the reason why the scale is broken, you are the reason why Metacritic handles game reviews so differently than Movie/Music ones. Ever wonder why a movie that has a score of 80 is considered to have "universal acclaim," while a game that is 80 supposedly has "generally favorable reviews?"

Because of you. You skew the system, because you gnash your teeth and spew hatred whenever a magazine gives lower scores to games you love. Think of what movie reviews would be like if Film Critics gave better scores to terrible movies like 300 simply to appease the young, impetulant masses?

Thank you for being one of the lone voices of reason in this thread. I don't agree with every review myself, but I respect the scoring more than most other publications. To paraphrase for everyone, it isn't Edge that's broken, it's everybody else. If you want your playable games to continue to be on a scale from 7-10 then go ahead and simply ignore this. At least Edge opens up the scoring to a more respectable level of seperation.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

You guys defending edge have completely lost touch with the world, if you guys think Gears2 is 3 points of better shooter then WaW or R2 then i don't know what to think. And tomb Raider 2 points higher then both of them... Have you guys even played that game, i know i played the demo, and the game was shit from the get go, bad camera with unresponsive controls with graphics which are much worse then WaW or R2.

I have read EDGE before and quite frankly they are rubbish. When F1 came out on PS3 they gave it a 5 due to the fact the reviewer did not like F1 at all. Thats right there was not a lot wrong with the game he just found the actual sport boring. They are muppets. I know this as i have played Endwar and it not as good as most of those games on the list. I must let you know i have never paid for an issue since and never will again as i have played many games they have scored low just to find the complete opposite.