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Forums - Sales Discussion - So let me get this straight, Microsoft is chocking sony to death

pristine think outside the box, I wasn't talking about the console wars.

I'm talking about things like back in the day with apple, antitrust laws and so forth.

Look at it like this. MS packages Media player in every single windows. They got sued for monopolization. They pay the fine, but now most windows users don't have anything except WMP, and are unaware of anything else really... but that is brand recognition for you.

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You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

theprof00 said:

pristine think outside the box, I wasn't talking about the console wars.

I'm talking about things like back in the day with apple, antitrust laws and so forth.

Look at it like this. MS packages Media player in every single windows. They got sued for monopolization. They pay the fine, but now most windows users don't have anything except WMP, and are unaware of anything else really... but that is brand recognition for you.


I get what you're saying about antitrust but for M$, thats small fry compared to what they've made from their PC monopoly.

I won't say windows media player users are unaware, more like, they're too lazy to try anything new. Anyone who has used vlc media player knows its miles ahead of WMP

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

yeha vlc owns.
Well, my point is that MS is used to screwing over other companies and then simply paying a fine. That fine could be construed as just buying the other company out of business against their own wishes.

Which not surprisingly is something they do each time they get sued. Buy hundreds of thousands of shares of the other company.

People need to stop whining about companies being immoral., at least in such petty ways. All business once they get to a certain size start to fight unfair. That's how they get to be big. I worked for a cleaning company some years ago, employed about 60-70 people. It was an incredibly immoral operation. It made money by underpaying workers, lying to customers, overcharging, charging for services not even rendered because they were deemed unnecessary once the job began, would undercut the competition, ect ect ect. That's how business survives. Wal-mart is not a moral entity, it's a business. Apple isn't trying to save the world. Sony didn't get to be so big by saving puppies and giving lunch money to nuns.

Sony is not some poor picked on good guy that the evil Microsoft is "chocking". You know why Microsoft can buy exclusives? Because Sony made a bunch of dumbass moves and now can't afford to do the same. The reason Sony didn't do (much) of that in the PS1 era? They didn't need to, 3rd parties were flocking to them over Nintendo who was also running a dick head operation. You can bet your ass that if Sony's gaming division didn't do so horribly they would be ponying up cash the same as MS. At no point would they stop and say "What? That's a low blow. I don't care if my share holders lose tens of thousands, I'm not going to cross that line and pay for an exclusive. I've got dignity." The only thing stopping them from fighting dirtier now, and didn't have to in the past was circumstance not honor. So get off your frikkin fanboy high horse.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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vagabond your post sounds sarcastic lol. that laundry business sounds godawful!
That is how businesses "compete" vagabond. Someone with a valuable product does not need to compete.
There are many companies that practice good business because they don't HAVE to resort anything lower. M$ has said from the beginning that their goal was to take sony down.

This may just be naivety talking but I don't think all businesses resort to illegally taking out the competition.

Big businesses will do anything to succeed, legal or not. It's why they all have huge teams of lawyers, and special interest lobbyists to get laws to favor them when possible and defend themselves when they don't.

But in the case of MS vs Sony they aren't fighting illegally. They are just being aggressive. Something Sony wishes it could do right now. It just can't. And initially they didn't need to because Nintendo handed them a silver platter with every third party on it. No business is going to willingly crash and burn because it thinks that something is perfectly legal, but maybe a little questionable as far as being honorable goes. In no board room meeting, or meeting with the shareholders are they going to say "Yeah, we lost tens of millions this quarter, and the competition is beating the hell out of us, but seriously, they are just being dicks. Doesn't it make you feel better being a martyr?".

I repeat, the only reason Sony isn't fighting harder is because they can't. The only reason they didn't fight dirty in past generations is because Nintendo was their own worst enemy. It's not because they are a good honorable company.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

I think in this generation Sony is turning the other cheek on purpose. I think they are not fighting back as much as Microsoft is because maybe they have something under their sleeves. This generation is far from over and anything can happen. You never know Microsoft could be at "the end of the tail" once this generation is over if you know what I mean.


Snake612 said:
I think in this generation Sony is turning the other cheek on purpose. I think they are not fighting back as much as Microsoft is because maybe they have something under their sleeves. This generation is far from over and anything can happen. You never know Microsoft could be at "the end of the tail" once this generation is over if you know what I mean.

Yea i agree,Sony is letting the PS Brand become third on purpose,They got enough of coming in first place /sarcasm.

Garnett said:
Snake612 said:
I think in this generation Sony is turning the other cheek on purpose. I think they are not fighting back as much as Microsoft is because maybe they have something under their sleeves. This generation is far from over and anything can happen. You never know Microsoft could be at "the end of the tail" once this generation is over if you know what I mean.

Yea i agree,Sony is letting the PS Brand become third on purpose,They got enough of coming in first place /sarcasm.


Well it's like McCain's strategy. When Obama had an overwhelming lead it was right where McCain wanted him. You WANT your opponent to dominate you right up until the end, and then when you're 15 million units behind BAM, you bring out the big guns and lay 'em out. Isn't that right president elect, McCain?

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.