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People need to stop whining about companies being immoral., at least in such petty ways. All business once they get to a certain size start to fight unfair. That's how they get to be big. I worked for a cleaning company some years ago, employed about 60-70 people. It was an incredibly immoral operation. It made money by underpaying workers, lying to customers, overcharging, charging for services not even rendered because they were deemed unnecessary once the job began, would undercut the competition, ect ect ect. That's how business survives. Wal-mart is not a moral entity, it's a business. Apple isn't trying to save the world. Sony didn't get to be so big by saving puppies and giving lunch money to nuns.

Sony is not some poor picked on good guy that the evil Microsoft is "chocking". You know why Microsoft can buy exclusives? Because Sony made a bunch of dumbass moves and now can't afford to do the same. The reason Sony didn't do (much) of that in the PS1 era? They didn't need to, 3rd parties were flocking to them over Nintendo who was also running a dick head operation. You can bet your ass that if Sony's gaming division didn't do so horribly they would be ponying up cash the same as MS. At no point would they stop and say "What? That's a low blow. I don't care if my share holders lose tens of thousands, I'm not going to cross that line and pay for an exclusive. I've got dignity." The only thing stopping them from fighting dirtier now, and didn't have to in the past was circumstance not honor. So get off your frikkin fanboy high horse.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.