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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Real Talk with Snake612: November 13, 2008




Welcome to the November 13,2008 edition of Real Talk with

Snake612. This is the first Real Talk thread in four months.


Here’s the lineup for what is on today’s thread:


  • Real Talk Interview with Vgchartz user “TheRealMafoo”
  • Snake612’s thoughts on Resistance 2 and Gears of War 2 sales
  • Snake612’s Top 10 games for 2009!
  • Real Talk Exclusive: First 15 minutes of the highly anticipated title “Left for Dead”!



Today on Real Talk with Snake612, I will be debuting a new segment called

Real Talk Interview .


 It’s a new segment where I interview VGChartz users on video

games and more! 

A couple of days ago, I recently interviewed TheRealMafoo on what he thought about

the highly 360 anticipated title “Gears of War 2.”  So here’s the interview:


Snake612: After finishing Gears of War 2, what are your thoughts on the game?

TheRealMafoo: It's a great game. Great story, well executed, lots of action, and well thought out pacing. You never seem to do much of the same thing for to long.


Snake612: What was your favorite part of the game?


TheRealMafoo: Riding the Brumak. I am someone of a systems whore, so when I say all the Locust running around, missiles coming after me, flyers landing, buildings falling, I was just amazed at it all. It was also fun mowing down 50 Locust at once! Epic has done an amazing job on this game.


Snake612: What was your favorite weapon in the game and why?


TheRealMafoo: I had two that I loved equally, The flame thrower and the sniper riffle. The flame thrower because it's basically an AOE weapon, and it does a ton of damage. I also like watching them fry. The sniper rifle because who doesn't like to see a head pop off and blood go flying!


Snake612: What moment in the game blew you away?


TheRealMafoo: Two moments. The first time you see the worm, and the ending.


Snake612: Describe the difference between the Horde Mode and the Co-Op mode. Which one is better and why?


TheRealMafoo: Well, better is just an opinion. Horde mode is a collection of players on the same side fighting off waves of enemies. Co-Op is playing the single player campaign with more then one player (I think, never played Co-Op). I played Horde to level 29, and it's great fun. We had 5 people in the same room, and the tactic we used was put two in on a platform sniping, and three on the ground guarding the staircase up. Worked well, until people started falling asleep (some were up for 25 hours when we started) :)


Snake612: What was your reaction to the first day sales?


TheRealMafoo: I am not big into sales figures. It sold very well I hear. Great for Epic and Microsoft


Snake612: What is difference between Gears 1 and Gears 2?


TheRealMafoo: Gears 2 has more weapons, better story, more varied locations, better online lobby, and you can have 5 on each team. (Gears 1  you can only have 4). The online lobby is very much like Halo 3, and that's a good thing. Visually, Gears 2 looks about the same, except it has a lot more going on at the same time. Oh, and Gears 2 has more save points. That's a very much welcome feature. Also, Gears 2 seems a little easier then Gears 1.


Snake612:Has the A.I. in this game improved from the first Gears? If not, why?


TheRealMafoo: Yes and no. You buddies seem to do a better job, and the Enemies that are engaging you seem to be a little better. They move around under cover, and don't just pop up at the same point. But when you have 10-15 of them, some do stupid things. Like jump over a wall and hide on the wrong side.

Snake612: Did you like the ending of the game?


TheRealMafoo: The visuals on the last boss was amazing, but it was far to easy to defeat. Maybe I just got lucky, but the final fight was about 20 seconds long. If you consider the last level "the ending", then I loved it! If you consider the last boss fight the ending, then not so much.


Snake612: Is Gears of War 2 worthy enough of having another sequel?


TheReaLMafoo: Hell yes! And I promise you, it will. I think Epic was only obligated to make the first two exclusive, so who knows what will happen with the 3rd. Epic has proven that they can make first rate games on both HD platforms. I hope it goes multi-platform, so more people can enjoy the game. Congratulations Epic, you made a game worthy of your name!


I want to thank TheRealMafoo for this interview. It was great interviewing you. Gears of War 2 is now available for the Xbox 360.




Snake612’s Thoughts: Resistance 2 and Gears of War 2 sales


The week of November 8,2008, has been great and we saw two companies release their hottest franchises.

During that week, One of PS3’s hottest exclusives of this year was released. That’s right! Resistance 2 was

released to the US on November 4,2008. My thoughts on this game is it managed to get great sales first week

sales in the US. Resistance 2 sold 304,958 copies in its first week in America. I was sort of disappointed by the

sales in America. I expected 500k in America first week. I guess I will just have to see the rest of the first week

sales in Japan and others. Hopefully Resistance 2 will sell 550k first week worldwide!


Now onto Gears of War 2! The highly anticipated exclusive 360 title finally was released on November 7,

2008.  Almost half of the people in my Junior class didn’t show up to school because they  stayed up all night

playing Gears.  Gears of War 2 opened up with an amazing 2,139,656 copies first week of sales worldwide.

Even though twesterm said the game almost all of its hype, the game had some pretty good sales. The

gameplay was pretty good and graphics improved from the  first Gears. Overall , Gears of War 2 and

Resistance  2 are known as the two hottest exclusive titles for the week of November 8, 2008!

 Here are some nice in game pics of Gears of War 2 and Resistance 2:


Resistance 2 in game pics





Gears of War 2 in-game pics






Snake612’s Must Buy games of 2009

In  my opinion, 2009 will be a awesome year for gaming. Out of all the games being released next year here are the  

Must Buy Games for 2009: (The list doesn’t go from 10 to 1, they’re out of order)


1)  The Conduit


2) Infamous

3) God of War III

4) Halo Wars
5) Killzone 2
6) No More Heroes 2
7) Punch Out
8) Sin and Punishment 2
9)New Zelda game
10) MAG (Massive Action Game)
11) Final Fantasy XIII
12) Uncharted 2
13) Jak  and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
14) Grand Turismo 5


15) Final Fantasy Versus XIII



That’s my top 15 must buy games for 2009!





Now! The moment you have been waiting for. The First 15 minutes of “Left for Dead” gameplay!










Well that’s the video. I hope you liked it. Thank you guys for reading another

RealTalkwithSnake612 thread. I will be posting RealTalkwithSnake612 every Thursday at 8pm

under gaming discussion. Next week , I will give you more. Special Thanks to the Official Creative

Designer of Real Talk, NikkoM, great job on the logo and editing the pics! Also special thanks to

TheRealMafoo on the interview. Well that’s it! See you guys next Thursday at 8pm under gaming

Discussion. Peace! And like I always say………………. NOW THAT’S REAL!





Around the Network

sorry for the delay. i had some technical difficulties.


somebody post please! I put so much effort in this thread. It's four months in the making!


Good thread mr Snake.

Good thread.

I love Resistance 2.

You lied to us snake, it's not the first 15 minutes of Left4Dead, it's the first 13:27 minutes! (j/k)

Good read as always.

Around the Network

Wow! If you compare your first Real Talk to this one there is a major improvement. Good Job Snake. Keep up the good work.

@DMeisterJ, thank you for posting. At least somebody posted in this thread. I expected more people to post.


Snake612 said:
somebody post please! I put so much effort in this thread. It's four months in the making!

You've got to learn to be patient sometimes, mate. I mean, you posted a 15-minute long video! At least wait long enough for people to finish reading the whole thing...

Oh, and just to be a jackass...No More Heroes 2's not coming out until 2010.


Thank you guys I really appreciate it. I hope youi like the "Left for Dead" video.


@noname2200, sorry for the impatience. I heard No More Heroes 2 is being released in 2009.