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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Elimination Game - Franchises

Ahhh. LoZ and FF must not win! I'll make sure this doesn't turn into another GFAQs character battle if it's the last thing I do!

Around the Network

15 - Legend of Zelda, The

14 - Star Fox

13 - Ace Attorney
13 - Half-Life
13 - Kirby
13 - Mario (Platformers)
13 - Mega Man
13 - Metroid

12 - Diablo
12 - Dragon Quest
12 - Paper Mario
12 - Pikmin
12 - Ratchet and Clank
12 - Resident Evil
12 - Tomb Raider

11 - Castlevania
11 - Command and Conquer
11 - Fire Emblem
11 - Mario Kart
11 - Pokemon
11 - Sonic the Hedgehog
11 - Super Smash Bros.
11 - Tales

10 - Tetris
10 - Bomberman
10 - Donkey Kong
10 - Kingdom Hearts
10 - Monster Hunter

9 - Age of Empires
9 - Animal Crossing
9 - Banjo Kazooie
9 - Final Fantasy
9 - Guitar Hero

8 - SimCity
8 - Call of Duty
8 - Mario (Sports)
8 - Phantasy Star
8 - Prince of Persia
8 - StarCraft
8 - WarCraft
8 - Mortal Kombat (+)

7 - Devil May Cry
7 - Doctor Mario
7 - Dynasty Warriors
7 - Jak and Daxter
7 - Rayman
7 - Star Wars

6 - Brain Age
6 - Doom
6 - Fallout
6 - Lego
6 - Resistance
6 - Rock Band

5 - Lemmings
5 - Soul Calibur

4 - James Bond
4 - Tom Clancy

3 - Wii
3 - Street Fighter (-)

2 - Metal Gear (-) (-)

1 - Mobile Suit Gundam

0 - God of War

ELIMINATED 1 - Yu-Gi-Oh!, 2 - Nickelodeon, 3 - WWE SmackDown, 4 - Harry Potter, 5 - Madden NFL, 6 - Grand Theft Auto, 7 - Simple, 8 - Dragonball Z, 9 - FIFA, 10 - Winning Eleven (PES), 11 - Marvel, 12 - Tony Hawk, 13 - Alone in the Dark, 14 - Frogger, 15 - Spyro, 16 - Tekken, 17 - Dance Dance Revolution, 18 - Need for Speed, 19 - Halo, 20 - Mario Party, 21 - The Sims, 22 - Gran Turismo, 23 - Pixar, 24 - Bejeweled, 25 - NBA Live, 26 - Dead or Alive, 27 - Lineage, 28 - Virtua Fighter, 29 - Gears of War, 30 - Turok, 31 - Unreal, 32 - Assassin's Creed, 33 - Medal of Honor, 34 - Crash Bandicoot, 35 - Nintendogs, 36 - God of War


didn't know you could score 2pts to one franchise,k thought you couldn'y.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

16 - Legend of Zelda, The

14 - Star Fox

13 - Ace Attorney
13 - Half-Life
13 - Kirby
13 - Mario (Platformers)
13 - Mega Man
13 - Metroid

12 - Diablo
12 - Dragon Quest
12 - Paper Mario
12 - Pikmin
12 - Ratchet and Clank
12 - Resident Evil
12 - Tomb Raider

11 - Castlevania
11 - Command and Conquer
11 - Fire Emblem
11 - Mario Kart
11 - Pokemon
11 - Sonic the Hedgehog
11 - Super Smash Bros.
11 - Tales

10 - Tetris
10 - Bomberman
10 - Donkey Kong
10 - Kingdom Hearts
10 - Monster Hunter

9 - Age of Empires
9 - Animal Crossing
9 - Banjo Kazooie
9 - Final Fantasy
9 - Guitar Hero

8 - SimCity
8 - Call of Duty
8 - Mario (Sports)
8 - Phantasy Star
8 - Prince of Persia
8 - StarCraft
8 - WarCraft
8 - Mortal Kombat

7 - Devil May Cry
7 - Doctor Mario
7 - Dynasty Warriors
7 - Jak and Daxter
7 - Rayman
7 - Star Wars

6 - Brain Age
6 - Doom
6 - Fallout
6 - Lego
6 - Resistance
6 - Rock Band

5 - Lemmings
5 - Soul Calibur

4 - James Bond
4 - Tom Clancy

3 - Wii

2 - Street Fighter

1 - Mobile Suit Gundam

0 - Metal Gear

ELIMINATED 1 - Yu-Gi-Oh!, 2 - Nickelodeon, 3 - WWE SmackDown, 4 - Harry Potter, 5 - Madden NFL, 6 - Grand Theft Auto, 7 - Simple, 8 - Dragonball Z, 9 - FIFA, 10 - Winning Eleven (PES), 11 - Marvel, 12 - Tony Hawk, 13 - Alone in the Dark, 14 - Frogger, 15 - Spyro, 16 - Tekken, 17 - Dance Dance Revolution, 18 - Need for Speed, 19 - Halo, 20 - Mario Party, 21 - The Sims, 22 - Gran Turismo, 23 - Pixar, 24 - Bejeweled, 25 - NBA Live, 26 - Dead or Alive, 27 - Lineage, 28 - Virtua Fighter, 29 - Gears of War, 30 - Turok, 31 - Unreal, 32 - Assassin's Creed, 33 - Medal of Honor, 34 - Crash Bandicoot, 35 - Nintendogs, 36 - God of War, 37 - Metal Gear

Change of rules: From this point on, you may now use two of your negative votes on a single franchise. You still have a total of three negative votes, but they no longer must be spread across three franchises - you can subtract two from one franchise, and one from another. You do not HAVE to, though - you can still spread them out if you want to.

For clarity, and to help others adjust the scores if you happen to sneak one in while they're figuring out their votes, please mark your changes with (+) and (-) and don't forget to remove the old marks.



Around the Network

14 - Legend of Zelda, The (--)
14 - Mario (Platformers) (+)

13 - Ace Attorney
13 - Half-Life
13 - Kirby
13 - Mega Man
13 - Metroid
13 - Star Fox (-)

12 - Diablo
12 - Dragon Quest
12 - Paper Mario
12 - Pikmin
12 - Ratchet and Clank
12 - Resident Evil
12 - Tomb Raider

11 - Castlevania
11 - Command and Conquer
11 - Fire Emblem
11 - Mario Kart
11 - Pokemon
11 - Sonic the Hedgehog
11 - Super Smash Bros.
11 - Tales

10 - Tetris
10 - Bomberman
10 - Donkey Kong
10 - Kingdom Hearts
10 - Monster Hunter

9 - Age of Empires
9 - Animal Crossing
9 - Banjo Kazooie
9 - Final Fantasy
9 - Guitar Hero

8 - SimCity
8 - Call of Duty
8 - Mario (Sports)
8 - Phantasy Star
8 - Prince of Persia
8 - StarCraft
8 - WarCraft
8 - Mortal Kombat

7 - Devil May Cry
7 - Doctor Mario
7 - Dynasty Warriors
7 - Jak and Daxter
7 - Rayman
7 - Star Wars

6 - Brain Age
6 - Doom
6 - Fallout
6 - Lego
6 - Resistance
6 - Rock Band

5 - Lemmings
5 - Soul Calibur

4 - James Bond
4 - Tom Clancy

3 - Wii

2 - Street Fighter

1 - Mobile Suit Gundam

0 - Metal Gear

ELIMINATED 1 - Yu-Gi-Oh!, 2 - Nickelodeon, 3 - WWE SmackDown, 4 - Harry Potter, 5 - Madden NFL, 6 - Grand Theft Auto, 7 - Simple, 8 - Dragonball Z, 9 - FIFA, 10 - Winning Eleven (PES), 11 - Marvel, 12 - Tony Hawk, 13 - Alone in the Dark, 14 - Frogger, 15 - Spyro, 16 - Tekken, 17 - Dance Dance Revolution, 18 - Need for Speed, 19 - Halo, 20 - Mario Party, 21 - The Sims, 22 - Gran Turismo, 23 - Pixar, 24 - Bejeweled, 25 - NBA Live, 26 - Dead or Alive, 27 - Lineage, 28 - Virtua Fighter, 29 - Gears of War, 30 - Turok, 31 - Unreal, 32 - Assassin's Creed, 33 - Medal of Honor, 34 - Crash Bandicoot, 35 - Nintendogs, 36 - God of War, 37 - Metal Gear

Change of rules: From this point on, you may now use two of your negative votes on a single franchise. You still have a total of three negative votes, but they no longer must be spread across three franchises - you can subtract two from one franchise, and one from another. You do not HAVE to, though - you can still spread them out if you want to.

For clarity, and to help others adjust the scores if you happen to sneak one in while they're figuring out their votes, please mark your changes with (+) and (-) and don't forget to remove the old marks.


Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Wait, tonestarr, did you vote twice within the hour, or was the first just editing in someone else's score that was missed?

Note that there are no changes in my post.

Also, I set the rules, so I doubt I, of all people, would violate them.


General overview of the voting.

Nintendo games at the top half, other games bottom half.

Yeah, I never meant to accuse you of anything, I just got a bit confused, and seem to have missed something.

Sorry about that.