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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will 2009 define the ps3's fortunes?

The Holy Trinity. Killzone 2, God Of War 3, GT5. Awesome :D

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well it doesnt matter both systems have great games and both systems dont sell anywhere near the wii.

Ps3 has sold 1 million plus more units then 360 in 2008 and thats huge coming off or the crappy 2007 they had.

The HD war can go either way. We will just have to wait and see.

Price cut. price cut. price cut. along with two bundled games would be awesome.

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business

360: next year will define whether its past its peak

PS3: will define if Sony can claim 2nd place/ become a monster of a first party

wii: will define wether the system is remeber for some great exclusives or being casual crap

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


2009 really is make or break for PS3 and for Sony. If it goes well and a price cut is introduced and is a sucess then all is well and thriving and Sony HQ. If it goes wrong however, I fear for Sony's gaming division

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Gamerace said:
I agree and disagree. 2009 will define the PS3 as 3rd years typically are the peak for consoles. And while there are some excellent games coming out in '09 they are the wrong type of games.

The reason the PS3 is no PS2 sales-wise isn't because it's lacking in exciting racers and action games, that was true somewhat going into '08 but not now going into '09 - there's great games now, it's because it's lacking everything else.

People who want those types of games largely have already gotten a PS3 or 360. GoW and GT5 will definately cause a boost to hardware but it'll be the same boost that PS3 got from MSG4 and other great games this year - shortlived. GT5 would be a great boon in Europe but PS3 already sales well there. The only game that might make a substained improvement in sales is FFXIII in Japan and to a lesser extent elsewhere. But if 360 and Wii continue to get the bulk of JRPG games announced for their system between now and then, I just don't know how many JRPG fans will buy PS3 for just FFXIII.

PS2 sold so well because it had games for everyone, kids, girls, casuals. None of these games will do a damn thing to win any of that audience back to Sony. And without them the PS3 remains locked in a blood bath with the 360 for a distant second. Price is another major factor. It can't continue to be $200 more than the lowend 360 and hope to win.


 Actually, PlayStation still has more games for everyone than any console. Let me present to you: the PSN Store, it's full of high quality casuals, you'll also find good casual game on disc, "kid" games like LBP, Rachet and Clank, racers which kids love like Motorstorm, fighting games like Naruto, etc. Hardcore? it's got everything the other hardcore console has minus a few exclusives the PS3 compensates with its own. And I hope you're not forgetting those games that are not exclusive, because I don't know but I get the impression (most of the time) that when people are talking about PS3 games they talk like every third party game is 360 exclusive or something....dunno, my perception. Anyway, the real key is the PS3 doesn't have the large amount of THIRD PARTY EXCLUSIVES the PS brand used to have, add to that Microsoft launching one year ahead, PRICE, Xbox Live being the hit it is in USA making online gaming a serious force and important in the decision of buying a console (which console my friends who are online own ) , and did I mention PRICE?

Well 09 will be better for PS3 and also more interesting for gamers. But I am quite sad you forgot WKC and their are some other exclusive you forgot as well.

I think a price cut is needed 09 to really boost it,s sales.

It is a good console with many good features.

Problem is when someone compares the price of the two they will often go with the cheaper option.

Things such as Blue Ray are good features but a lot of folks just want to game.

In saying all that I hope neither of them pulls to far ahead as competition always favours the consumer.





JGarret said:
It´s gonna have great games, that´s all I care about.

New games from Naughty Dog and Insomniac seem like a guarantee.

I think we´ll FINALLY see the new PS3 title from Team Ico.

I have high hopes for White Knight Chronicles.

Plus the 3rd party blockbuster titles.

As a gamer, I´m pretty happy;

Also, I´m crossing fingers for a new Zelda next year.


 IM hoping for super mario galaxy 2!

reask said:
I think a price cut is needed 09 to really boost it,s sales.

It is a good console with many good features.

Problem is when someone compares the price of the two they will often go with the cheaper option.

Things such as Blue Ray are good features but a lot of folks just want to game.

In saying all that I hope neither of them pulls to far ahead as competition always favours the consumer.

In a years time people will be more hungry for blu ray, great games will be released in 2009 and a price cut is essential but can sony afford it.