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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Square Enix conducts a survey about a brand new PSP game (Dragon Gears)


This game kinda reminds and I hope it will not be anything like Valhalla

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Valhalla Knights was that bad, it just had a EXTREMELY shallow battle system.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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Might I add, it just looked PLAIN dull. Period end of story. At times the box art was getting me to purchase it but after reading reviews and hearing the Gamestop staff say it was garbage I was completely turned off on this game. I just hope this game that Square Enix is in production doing does not have a similar battle system, because it looks like it from the pics above.

Well, Artepiazza didn't work on Valhalla Knights, did they? I think they worked on DS Dragon Quest remakes but that's about it...

@Star Scream

I know they didn't work on Valhalla Knights. I was pointing out that this game Square Enix is making kinda resembles Valhalla

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Never played the Valhalla Knights myself, but I thought the graphics were its strongest points, or at least that's what the reviews said.

@Star Scream

Valhalla Knights did have nice graphics && it was the strongest point in the game, but what stop the game from reaching its high heights was that the battle system && story was dull.

Is the sequel any better?

More like Dragon Tears

This game needs a more generic, more badass title. I recommend "Metal Dragon: Gears of the World."">">